
September 2024
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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – November 2015

It feels like a worryingly short time since the last Cold Case Cast Catch-up at the end October.  We’ll keep it brief this time with just a couple of pieces of news about the on-going careers of key members of the cast of the long running drama series.

In the middle of November Tracie […]

Happy Thanksgiving 2015

Happy Thanksgiving to Kathryn, her family, and all our American friends from KM UK

Thanksgiving isn’t thing we do here in England so it easily slips the mind.

That may explain why I managed to forget to do this annual post last year.

It’s the last Thursday in November so our American cousins are getting […]

The Perfect Guy UK Box Office

As of yesterday (22nd November) The Perfect Guy had racked up just a whisker short of $57m in total takings world wide.  Only about 4% of that was from non-US countries.

The thriller film was number one in its opening weekend, which started on Friday the 11th of September.

Last Friday (20th November) The Perfect […]

Advent-your-ous Thinking

As seems to be the usual way of things Xmas is rapidly approaching and I’ve been caught napping (sometimes literally ).

One of KM UK’s traditions for the upcoming season is a sort of Advent calendar.  It exists as an extra album in the KM UK Photo Gallery.  Each day of the month (if I […]

The Perfect English Gentleman Is Nearly Here

It was released in the US back in September.

The past few weeks have seen it première in various countries across Europe.

Finally, and we do appear to be amongst the last, the good burghers of the United Kingdom and Ireland get a look in.

Thriller The Perfect Guy is set to be released in […]

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