
September 2024
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Bone Tomahawk Heads For The Hills (Of France)

You’ll have to forgive me up front because I’m bound to make a hash of this one.  No doubt I’ll amuse and offend a whole country in one post with my attempts to understand a language I very clearly don’t.

It’s been a while since we’ve hit the festival circuit here on KM UK and […]

So… Colony…

Anything you’d like to tell us?

Sadly, it turns out that the promo video for the second episode of Colony, which was released last week after the first episode got its first network airing (it had been released online a few weeks previously), was somewhat misleading.

Around half of the footage in the minute long […]

Early Morning Providence

The year has started well for Kathryn fans in the UK.

In the first couple of days we had showings of the film Inferno.

Cold Case is getting daily screenings available to everyone with a TV, and not just those with a satellite dish attached to it.

This run of luck is set to continue […]

Kathryn Is In Colony Next Week!

I really did not expect this to happen so soon!  I was sure we’d be hanging on until at least the 5th episode!

The “next week on…” promo video shown after last Thursday’s première of the new USA Network sci-fi-ish drama series Colony included a couple of brief glimpses of Kathryn!  If this is correct […]

Kathryn @ People’s Choice Awards 2010 Reprise

Almost exactly a year a go I posted a sizeable update of photos of Kathryn at People’s Choice Awards in 2010.

The additional photos then were focused on the red carpet side of the event.  The ‘before’ if you will.

Today we look at the ‘during’ with a smaller update involving the events on stage […]

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