
September 2024
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KM UK Xmas Message 2016

I like to headline the annual KM UK Xmas message with an appropriate image or two.  An illustrative representation of the year gone by.

Errr… it’s been a bit of a quiet one.  Whilst so much was going on in the rest of the world (much of it probably best not discussed here), […]

Netflix & Kill(er) – Bone Tomahawk Hits UK ‘Nets

When I were a lad we didn’t have any of these fancy streaming services.  No, if you missed a movie at the cinema you had to wait a couple of years before it became available on VHS cassette.  Or, another three or four before one of the handful of available TV channels would deign to […]

Netflix & Thrill(er) – Colonisation Comes Early

Waaaaaay back in March (remember then? happy times) in amongst news of Colony season one coming to the UK via Sky there was mention of Netflix acquiring the global rights.

At the time the streaming network was said to be making the sci-fi-ish drama series available to all subscribers early in 2017.

Well, Xmas has […]

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – November 2016

Nearly done for the year.  But before we get to December we have to close out November with the latest  look at the on-going careers of the rest of the Cold Case cast.  The ones that aren’t Kathryn that is.

We don’t often get to post about Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera on CC) so […]

Xmas Advent Calendar 2016

As we approach the end of the year it is common to look back on the past year.

This seems to be happening especially early this year.  Perhaps this is because it has been a tumultuous one for many people around the world.  There have been losses this year that could have significant on-going implications […]

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