
September 2024
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It’s That Date, KM UK Is 8!

Happy Birthday to KM UK!

Amazingly KM UK (this very site) has been running for longer than Cold Case did.  As usual I’ve wheeled out the picture above showing the CC squad celebrating their 100th episode, a mere 2/3 of the way through the 7-season long run.

The past year has been […]

Reverie Trailer

We have video.  Moving pictures made up of a series of still frames played in rapid sequence to give the illusion of movement!

A promotional trailer for Reverie has escaped into the wild.  The two minute long piece gives, as expected, a pretty good over view of the set up, plot, and style of the […]

Reverie To Be ‘Mid-Season’ (boo!)

As NBC can give and NBC can, not so much take away, but move to one side.

On Friday we got the official statement that the new NBC network VR-based drama series Reverie had been selected from the many to become a series.

Last night that statement gained a ‘but’.

The primetime schedules were released […]

Reverie Gets Picked Up

The ‘further developments’ I ended my last post on Reverie have come to pass.

In the past few days it became clear that many of the NBC pilots were falling by the way-side, leaving Reverie a very likely winner.

Now it has been confirmed that the NBC network is putting the finishing touches to it’s […]

‘You Get Me’ To Be Gettable In June

Awesomeness Films, the production company behind the thriller teen drama You Get Me, has announced a movie deal with the subscription streaming service Netflix.

Not to blow our own trumpet too much but back in February here on KM UK we noted that the Bella Thorne-starrer was headed in that direction.

The only logical conclusion […]

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