
September 2024
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Cold Case S01E05 – The Runner Promo Updates

There’s a phrase/idiom in English: “having your collar felt”.  It means to be arrested and probably relates to the idea of a police officer grabbing a ne’er-do-well by the collar to hold them still whilst questioning them.

Although not strict ‘by the collar’ Lilly is very much acting out the phrase in […]

Cold Case S01E04 – Churchgoing People Promo Updates

I think that ‘Churchgoing People’ really made it clear that Cold Case was not your typical cop show.

It didn’t end with the squad high-fiving and proclaiming ‘we got him’.  Yes, justice was done.  A long standing wrong was righted.  But you weren’t spoon-fed the classic ‘happily ever after’ ending.  The […]

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – September 2018

Phew!  Nearly missed it.  These 30 day months are tricky little beggars.  With the fall (autumn) TV season having now started in the US things are a little quiet on the news front.  We’ll do what we can to bring you the latest news of the other Cold Case cast members, but it looks […]

15 Years Old: Cold Case

On this date, the 28th of September, Cold Case premièred on CBS in the USA.  Of course, that particular 28th of that specific September was the one in 2003.

A whole 15 years ago.  If you’re not feeling old enough already then that fact will not help.  We must, however, mark the occasion so important […]

Wings Of Gold Comes Of Age

Pensacola: Wings Of Gold, the CBS network action series revolving around a team of elite soldiers, is 21 today.  Happy Birthday P:WOG!

The show débuted on the 15th of September 1997 and went on to have 3 seasons with a total of 66 episodes.  Kathryn was only the first of those annual runs as much […]

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