
September 2024
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Kathryn’s Kelly’s Hollywood

This one seems to have passed us all by, but it is worth a bit of digging to find the story behind it.

Brian Donovan was an actor (still is) looking to make it in Hollywood.  He had many small jobs across a wide range of TV (Wings, In Living Color, Dr Quinn Medicine Woman, […]

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – September 2019

As the large television networks build up towards the autumn/fall season, and the big summer movie releases have become a vague shouty/crashy memory, things are a little quiet for September’s CCCC-up.  Thankfully one in particular helps fill the void.  You’ll never guess which of the other Cold Case cast members it is…

Tracie Thoms (Kat […]

Stop, Start Continues

The Start TV network has posted some additional items on their website referencing Kathryn.

The channel is very much focussed on women in and around the media.  All but one of the main shows they broadcast is female lead.  Only Early Edition starring Kyle Chandler (Catch-22) gets a look in, and he’s relegated […]

Cheerleader Resurrected

As I started to put this post together the obvious subject line to use was ‘Resurrection Of A Cheerleader’.  It tied in very nicely with the Death Of A Cheerleader film title.  Turns out I thought it was a great title back in February when I first used it!  Mind like a sieve sometimes!

This […]

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – August 2019

August can be a limited month for showbiz news.  Lots of people are on holiday, the blockbuster movies have largely come and gone, and the TV series are well into production for the autumn/fall start.  We’ll do what we can though for our latest CCCC-up, covering careers of the other Cold Case cast members.

It […]

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