
September 2024
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Cold Case Season 7 Promo Photos? – Update x2

I say “?” because I’m not entirely sure. I’ve been told these images are from a CC season 7 promo shoot but I don’t have corroborating evidence of that. So, until I find out otherwise I’m treating them as that.

Anyway, two photos. One large, one small. Both great.

Head for the Gallery.

It’s been […]

Futon Critic Interview

TV news and reviews website The Futon Critic has a new interview with Kathryn by Jim Halterman.

Kathryn discusses various aspects of the show including her recent co-stars Bobby Cannavale and Daniel Baldwin.

KM: I love him. When you’ve lived in Daniel Baldwin’s shoes there’s something else that you bring to the party. It was […]

Cold Case Season 5 On Sky3

UK viewers without a Sky satellite subscription will get to see Cold Case season 5 on the Sky3 channel very soon.

The first 2 episodes go out on Sunday (27 September 2009) starting at 10pm, repeated the following Tuesday at 9pm.

Sky3 is available on the free-to-air Freeview digital TV system here in the UK.


KM With A Touch Of Mobility

For readers viewing KM UK using popular mobile devices I have added a great WordPress plug-in to make viewing it easier. It is called WP Touch by a group called Brave New Code.

The plug-in gives users of the iPhone, iPod touch, Android (Google phone), Opera Mini, Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm a very different […]

Cold Case Season 5 Screencaps Revisited

As we rush headlong towards the start of season 7 I wanted to get my CC screencap collection from the earlier seasons finalised.  The season 5 set was a little lacking in numbers so I’ve gone back and done a whole new load from episode 4 (Devil Music) to the finale (ep18, Ghost Of My […]

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