
September 2024
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11th Hour

Happy Birthday to KM UK!

And by ‘hour’ I mean ‘year.’  To be fair, I do seem to be posting things a little late recently!

Remember the days when scenes like the above were the norm?  Everyone huddled together sharing an important event.  They shouldn’t be right now, of course.  Danny! Back […]

Happy Mother’s Day

From everyone here at KM UK

Not through any kind of design or planning the last few years KM UK has alternated marking Mother’s Day on the UK date, which is back in March, or the more commonly used date around the world on the 2nd Sunday in May.  2020 brings us to the US […]

Cold Case S02E22 – Best Friends Promo Updates

(Sorry for late posting, it’s so easy to forget what day of the week it is at the moment)

I promised no prison images this week.  Ta-da!

They are nice pictures too.  If you had to use one word to describe them it would have to be… brown   The five new […]

The Big One… Oh…

In all the excitement of not being able to do anything these days I missed one of our regular anniversary posts over the weekend.

Amazingly it has been (more than) 10 years since Cold Case was last broadcast.  The series-ending back-to-back two parter episodes ‘Almost Paradise’ and ‘Shattered’ were first shown on the 2nd of […]

Cold Case S02E21 – Creatures Of The Night Promo Updates

Anyone detecting a theme with recent promo photo updates?  It’s not planned this way, honest!

I know this is a cop show, and it is not unknown for them to visit people in prison, but to make such a significant part of two episodes running smacks of carelessness.

‘Creatures Of The Night’, […]

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