
September 2024
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Sweeter Side… Trailer 3 HD Screencaps

We didn’t screencap trailer 3 for The Sweeter Side Of Life last week because it was just about identical to the second one we’d posted previously.

Now, however, an HD version of the trailer has been posted on YouTube by Hallmark (another bit of quality work on the title of the video by them we […]

A “New” The Sweeter Side Of Life Trailer

Over night (UK time) the Hallmark Channel finally got into gear with promoting The Sweeter Side Of Life, a new TV movie starring Kathryn and due to début a week tomorrow (on the 19th January 2013).

The film finally received a more significant presence on the Hallmark Channel’s website with a description of the plot, […]

It’s Show Times For The Sweeter Side Of Life

By now you should have it practically tattooed on the inside of your eye lids that the TV movie The Sweeter Side Of Life débuts in the USA on the Hallmark channel at 9pm (8pm Central) on the 19th of January.  The Saturday after next.

Those of you with access to the Hallmark channel should […]

Apartment Looking For Resident Band

Feeling musical?  Know someone that is?

Well, perhaps they can get their work showcased in a feature film.

With her co-producer hat on Kristen Ruhlin (She Wants Me) put out a call on Facebook last Friday (4th January 2013) for singers, musicians and bands to contact her.  Kristen and her fellow producers are looking for […]

Kathryn A No Show At TCA Winter Press Tour 2013

We could have had our first public appearance of Kathryn for 2013 yesterday evening (Friday, 4th January 2013) but it wasn’t to be.

The annual Television Critics Association Winter Tour has been taking place this past week, and continues for at least one more.  Each day one or more of the television networks announce upcoming […]

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