
September 2024
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Cougars Get A Makeover For The UK

What you see above could very well be the cover art for the UK DVD release of the movie Cougars, Inc.

Someone has obviously gone to some effort to do this rather than just take the version used in other parts of the world, such as the US.  You do have to wonder why though.


Cougars, Inc. UK DVD Cat Out Of The Bag?

Just last week we brought you the news that Cougars, Inc. had not only been rated for a theatrical release in the UK but it had also, very briefly, had one.  Over a whole four (yes, 4) days the film was shown in a small selection of cinemas across the UK, mostly in an early […]

Fan Art Update – February 2013

We combined the last fan art update with Kathryn’s birthday celebrations, pushing it late in the month of January.  February is a short month but we will just squeeze in some more of your art works before its end.

As we held these over from January because they were not birthday-themed the creators should be […]

Cougars Go Wild Then Recaged In UK

It only took two years, which when you get to cougar-age is not to be taken lightly, but the movie Cougars, Inc. finally received a cinema release here in the UK.  We use the past tense “released” because it appears to have been, done and gone, and left to do the walk of shame after […]

Kathryn @ Deer Valley Skifest – December 2007 – Update

Even all this time the year 2007 is still proving fertile ground for Kathryn sightings.  Just two weeks ago we covered another one that had come to our attention.

In what must have been one of the most hectic years in Kathryn’s life she managed to squeeze in over 30 public appearances, filming the equivalent […]

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