
September 2024
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Surgeon General Information

It’s been nearly two days since the news of Kathryn’s new project broke so let’s collate all the info we have on it and run through some talking points:

Show name:  Surgeon General / The Surgeon General Kathryn’s role:  Lydia Ferrari (aka LaFerrari to us at KM UK ) Lydia’s job title:  Chief Of […]

Kathryn Joins Surgeon General Pilot

Looks like the sort of Kathryn-related news we’ve all been waiting for has finally broken.

Kathryn has, apparently, signed on for a new CBS pilot called Surgeon General.  The Surgeon General is appointed by the US Government to over see matters of public health.

British actor Jason Isaacs (Awake and Harry Potter) has the […]

Cold Case S04E14 – 8:03am HD Screencaps

It’s a little while before we start KM UK’s Summer Of HD for 2013 but we are going to take a quick trip back to the season that formed the basis of the 2011 version.

Two years ago the Summer Of HD covered Cold Case season 4 but there were a few gaps.  We managed […]

Kathryn Guests On Brett Gursky Podcast

Kathryn made a surprise guest appearance on the Brett Gursky “On The List” podcast on the HAHAJK website.

The interview is primarily Johnny Messner talking about his recent role in the play “A Family Thing” and his career to date.  Kathryn is in the studio and joins in occasionally, either in the background or more […]

Not Just Young At Heart

We were all young once.  Some of us have never really grown up either

Thanks to the always generous and ever vigilant Kareen_T for passing along the photo above sent to her by the merelala Tumblr site with the message:

Hello! My parents showed me this picture, and I thought it was pretty cool.  […]

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