
September 2024
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The Protocol On IMDb

There has been some movement on a project we haven’t heard about in over a year.  It is not much, but it is a sign of progress… Possibly.

Remember The Protocol?  Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner) Tweeted about in July 2013 as being a movie project his own production company, “Johnny Be Goode”, was creating.  I […]

Summer Of HD 2014 – Final Result

The winner of our final poll of the KM UK Summer Of HD, taking 100% of the votes, is The River.  Congratulations to it.  Come back next Monday for the episode’s HD screencap update.

That just leaves The Hen House as the last episode to be covered, that will come the following week.

Thank you […]

Cold Case S03E20 – Death Penalty: Final Appeal HD Screencaps

Lilly’s hot, and not just in the sense of the word we often use around here 😛  The a/c is broken in the squad room so, technically, every one is feeling the heat 

This episode takes a slightly different approach to the normal unsolved case process.  This one’s already been solved.  A perp is […]

The Coin’s San Pedro Film Fest Details

The previous post made me check on the other upcoming festivals where The Coin will be screened.

The Sunday after the St. Cloud International Film Festival showing it is the turn of San Pedro International Film Festival‘s (SPIFF) turn.  We previously reported on it here.

1pm on the 12th of October at the Grand Annex, […]

St Cloud’s Forecast For October

Clouds are ephemeral things but the St. Cloud Film Festival is firming up.

Just two weeks ago we brought you the news that the short film The Coin had been chosen to be part of the line up of the St. Cloud Film Festival.

At the time there was little detail available regarding actual screening […]

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