
September 2024
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Short. Sweet. April Shower

Mere hours after yesterday’s post about the non-appearance of the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest‘ event over the weekend there was a break.  Announcements have been made.

A coincidence?  I’ll leave that for you to decide.

The festival has been moved to the 10th-12th April of this year and it will be held in the new […]

Short. Sweet. F.A.

Two weeks ago I posted that another screening of the short film The Coin was pending.

Writer/director/producer Fabien Martorell had told us that his long-running 9 minute production was to be shown at the ‘Short. Sweet. Film Fest’ in Cleveland, Ohio.

The information at the time was the the event would take place over the […]

Who Shot LR?

That guy did.  The one with the gun!

It’s not a big mystery.  We are, of course, talking about Stalker the Cold Case season 4 finale in which Ed Marteson draws a gun on the squad in their own building and takes Lilly hostage.  With everything else going on in Lilly’s life (her mother being […]

KM UK Awards 2015

It’s that time again.

Time to hand out some prizes in the annual KM UK Awards.

For the last couple of years we eschewed the silverware in favour of the more wallet-friendly “I ♡ KM UK” teddy bear.  We’ve regained a little confidence economically but we’re not out of the woods (bear, woods, geddit?) yet […]

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – January 2015

It’s the first CCCC-up of 2015 and we’re getting off to a slow start looking at the on-going careers of the cast of Cold Case.

If a month went by and there was news about only one of the key CC cast members then you’d put your money on it being Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller […]

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