
September 2024
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The Coin On At Hyart Film Fest Today

A quick reminder for those in, or very soon to be in, Wyoming USA you can can see the short film The Coin today at the Hyart Film Festival.

‘Today’ presumes you are reading this on the 19th of May 2015, preferably before 7pm Mountain time (that’s UTC – 6 currently).

The Friday screenings at […]

Kathryn @ Scooby-Doo Première 2002

When I did one of these looks at a past public appearance by Kathryn back in early March it was from the première of Minority Report.  The Tom Cruise-led film is over 13 years old!

That gave me an opportunity to expand the piece by mentioning the planned Minority Report TV series.  The cast for […]

The Coin’s Hyart Film Fest Timing

Since my post on Monday information on the schedule of screenings at the the Hyart Film Festival have been released.

There isn’t a great deal of detail but there is probably everything you need to know at such an event.

The opening night is next Thursday (18th May) and it looks like it is ‘sci-fi […]

The Perfect Guy Posters

Over the weekend a couple of posters for The Perfect Guy surfaced.  Other news caused me to delay posting until now.  The lack of Kathryn (but not Morris ) in them made them a lower priority too.

For the sake of completeness the two large-sized variants are now in the […]

The Coin @ The Hyart Film Festival

You would think it was spent (geddit?) by now but The Coin continues its attempt to break the world record for the greatest number of film festival appearances

As has become the usual for Fabien Martorell has let us know that his short film, starring Christopher Lloyd (Roger Rabbit) and Kathryn, will be screened […]

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