
March 2025
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Privacy & Cookie Policy


The Kathryn Morris UK website (henceforth to be known as KM UK) respects the privacy of its users and recognises the need for security of all related data. We do not share any personal information with third parties without your written consent.


Since May 2012 EU law has required that websites utilising browser cookies must comply with the EU ePrivacy Directive.  As KM UK makes some use of cookies we have to make clear what that amounts to and what it means to you the viewer.

The KM UK website uses cookies in 3 areas:

  • The Gallery.  The KM UK Gallery has a required cookie to store your login details.  This falls under the ‘strictly necessary’ category and is therefore exempt from the directive.  By registering for the Gallery you are giving your explicit consent to store this cookie.
  • Comments.  If you post a comment to an article on the main site the personal details you entered are stored in a cookie and retrieved the next time you post.  This does not fall under the ‘strictly necessary’ exemption and is done purely for your convenience.
  • Links.  Clicking on some links on KM UK will result in a randomly generated unique ID code being stored in a cookie.  This is done for internal auditing purposes and does not fall under the ‘strictly necessary’ exemption.  The UID is not linked to any other information held about you.  These cookies have a limited life span of 1 month.

KM UK makes no use of 3rd party tracking cookies such as Google Analytics, 1st or 3rd party advertising, or Facebook ‘like’ buttons.  As the video player in the Gallery is Flash-based then there maybe some cookies stored by Flash regarding your preferences.  KM UK does not access those cookies in anyway.

If you do not consent to allowing KM UK-related cookies to be stored by your web browser then you will need to block cookie access on your browser or not visit KM UK, please see the appropriate documentation for your browser to help you with this.  If you continue to use the KM UK then your consent is assumed.

If you would like further information on this please check Cookies Regulations and the New EU Cookie Law document on the ICO website.


If you have any further questions or queries about anything on KM UK then please use the Contact Form to ask the site administrator.