Many years ago the United States Of America was formed by the joining of 13 British colonies down the East coast of the country.
Now, after the series just finished airing its first season on American TV the sci-fi-ish drama Colony is said to be on the way to Britain.
The Digital Spy website has reported that the Sky 1 satellite channel will broadcast Colony to home in the UK starting in early April of this year. This could mean repeats on the Freeview channel Pick (which was once known as Sky 3) at some point in the future.
Read the Digital Spy article here.
Last September, around the time we found out that Kathryn had joined the cast (by then they’d probably completed filming already), it was announced the streaming service Netflix had acquired the global rights to Colony. It will become available there early next year.
As we know Colony has already been signed up for a second season due to air next year. Kathryn’s continuation or otherwise is not known at this point.
We were invited to other award shows but didn’t go this time! They gave out stupid prizes, in lightweight categories! We’ll hold our own event, again, and they’re not invited to it!
Let me tell you I know a thing or two about award ceremonies! I’ve done billions of them! They’re the best award ceremonies you’ve ever seen! I’m not just saying that. Everyone knows that! Right?
And we won’t be handing out namby-pamby prizes to ‘winners’. Oh no!
From now on the so-called ‘winners’ will have to make their own statues. They can pull them out of the their own ears, their own… whatever. What’s more, we’ll make them pay us to let them make them for themselves!
And if they don’t like that we’ll force them to do something worse than wakeboarding! That’s a thing right?
We’ve got a new mascot for our event this year. As you can see (above) ‘The RichE’ is a very attractive bear. Yes, before you ask, all the fur is natural. It just grows like that.
It’s time to make the KM UK Awards great again!
Continue reading »
I’m no expert on body language or reading people’s moods, women especially are a mystery (that’s why we love you so), but in the above image I’m sensing a certain amount of anger.
To round up this week in Colony for Charlotte (Kathryn), she:
- Tried to further humiliate/punish Maddie (Amanda Righetti, The Mentalist) for breaking ‘the rules’, even though it is not clear she did
- Found out that Maddie could be of further use
- Suggested to Maddie that she would be rewarded for her loyalty
- Got caught out defying the ‘hosts’ to line her own nest
- Was thrown under the bus by her own husband Nolan (Adrian Pasdar, Heroes)
- Attempted to drop Maddie in it to Proxy Snyder (Peter Jacobson, House)
- Was taken away by the authorities
All in a week’s work for an art curator then.
Yes, as we saw in the sneak peek video from the other day things do not look good for Charlotte in her final appearance in this season of Colony, the USA network sci-fi-ish drama series. Her longest screen time yet. There is only one episode left to go.
After Maddie used her knowledge of a largely secret art collection in LA to regain her position with Charlotte she, knowing that it would ingratiate herself even more, arranged for one of the key paintings to be put to one side and kept off the official list. For some reason the ruling alien race want to keep the pretty stuff for themselves. So why was Charlotte still there? 😉
We didn’t see how it happened but someone (Maddie being the obvious source) tipped-off Snyder about Charlotte’s hoarding and he came with the troops in tow. The unlisted painting was found by the ‘Redhats’ and Nolan agreed it should not have been there. Charlotte blamed Maddie who described herself as “just an assistant” when asked who she was. That sealed Charlotte’s fate.
No Kathryn in next week’s season finale but the show is set for a second, slightly longer, season, we know the ‘factory’ is not necessarily the end, and Charlotte is an established part of the Colony universe so they could still bring her back next year.
Either way, it was good to see Kathryn return to the small screen, even if it was in a relatively minor role. Plus, we got to see that smile a bit in this episode. Thank you to the people behind Colony for making that happen.
And, we didn’t get to see the more casual looking Charlotte in the scene shown in a couple of the promo photos released for episode seven. There’s a deleted scene out there…
There are now 132 HD (720p) screencaps of Kathryn in the episode “Zero Day” of Colony in the Gallery.

Things are not looking good for Charlotte in the next episode of Colony, which airs tomorrow night (10th March) in the USA network in… the US of A.
A just-released sneak peek video shows Charlotte Burgess’s (Kathryn) hoarding of precious works of art, as discovered by Maddie (Amanda Righetti, The Mentalist) last week, being the cause of her downfall. Hubby Nolan (Adrian Pasdar, Heroes) is not going to take the fall for her either it seems.
This does not bode well for Charlotte/Kathryn making it to the already announced season two of Colony. Though, regular viewers of the show found out last week that the dreaded ‘factory’ may not be the end of the road most of us assumed. But would the socialite art dealer cope there?
A small copy of the video, and some (not so great) screencaps from it, is now in the KM UK Gallery for your enjoyment.
Is it too late to say “Spoiler Alert!”?

The USA Network has published the official press release for this coming Thursday’s episode of its hit sci-fi-ish drama series Colony. It’s titled ‘Zero Day’ and is episode nine.
Will (Josh Holloway) comes up with a plan to get his family out from under the Occupation. Throwing a wrench in his best-laid plans, Katie (Sarah Wayne Callies) and Broussard (Tory Kittles) attempt to rekindle the fire of resistance by joining forces with a new cell. In a bold political move, Proxy Snyder (Peter Jacobson) fights to protect his office. Later, Maddie (Amanda Righetti) corners her boss in a precarious predicament.
The series also stars Alex Neustaedter and Isabella Crovetti-Cramp.
Guest Stars: Thora Birch, Victor Rasuk, Carl Weathers, Kathleen Rose Perkins, Kathryn Morris, Adrian Pasdar, Ally Walker, Gonzalo Menendez, Charlie Bewley
My emphasis. Presumably Maddie’s boss mentioned above is Charlotte (Kathryn). Thora Birch (American Beauty) is a new addition to the cast.
This is due to be Kathryn’s last appearance of the season, with just one episode left to go. We already know a second season has been commissioned but we don’t know if Charlotte will be a part of it, or even survive that far. It will likely be filmed in the summer, just as this first season was filmed in mid-2015.
Released promo photos and video, and a sneak peak video for episode nine have not included Kathryn at all. However, I have a suspicion that the two images above, which were tagged as being part of episode 7 and posted a few weeks ago here, are actually for this next one. The more relaxed clothing and hair style (harking back to Lilly Rush a bit) are not looks we’ve seen so far. The shot of Maddie glancing back over her shoulder whilst walking away and Charlotte looking uncomfortable fit with the description. We’ll have to wait and see.
Those photos are in the KM UK Gallery filed under episode seven until we know better.
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Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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