
September 2024
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Monte Carlo TV Festival 2007 Photo Update

tv_festival_013In honour of today’s Formula 1 race in Monte Carlo, Monaco today I have an appropriately placed set of photos.

Kathryn made a lot of public appearances in 2007 to publicise the Resurrecting The Champ movie and Cold Case, as it was in full swing at that time.

In mid-June (so it is nearly date appropriate too) of that year Kathryn was a guest of the Television Festival in the principality of Monaco.  She attended various events and gave several interviews.

We’ve been here before but now I have added 9 new photos in the Gallery from this photoshoot and interview.

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Update On Alice Sweet Alice

concept_art_001Over two years since our last post on Alice Sweet Alice, and over three since any significant news, we have an update.

What exactly it means for Kathryn fans is not entirely clear but it does give us a small insight in to the world of film making.

To recap: Alice Sweet Alice was a horror movie from 1976 by the writer/director Alfred Sole.  More recently Alfred has been a production designer working on films and TV shows, including contributing to a number of seasons of Castle, which just finished its final run.  Back in 2013 Dante Tomaselli the horror writer/director, and cousin of Alfred, announced his plans to remake Alice Sweet Alice.  Kathryn was said to be involved playing the mother of the title character and would be taking a role behind the camera with her own production company.

As I said, a long time has passed with no news.

Dante has now given an interview with the iHorror website giving details on what has been happening in the intervening period.  Various attempts to secure funding fell through, including by Kathryn herself.  As Dante says:

“First, Alfred’s ex-agent was confident she had funding but, ultimately, she didn’t. Then Kathryn Morris was going to serve as Executive Producer, but she couldn’t raise the funds. She did try. That was it.”

Apparently Dante, with his co-writer Michael Gingold, has re-worked the project into a scarier film with a new script and production is being revived.  Kathryn’s further involvement is not mentioned, nor is it dismissed.  However, it is noticeable that as of earlier this month Kathryn is no longer listed on the film’s IMDb page.

You can read the full piece on the website HERE.

Terminator Salvation Première Photo + Video Update

terminator_salvation_47Told you “we’d be back!”  😎

The film studios made many returns to the Terminator franchise, and will no doubt be doing so again all to soon, so I think I can get away with making a quick second visit in as many weeks to the US première of Terminator Salvation.  The last time was here.

It is well worth doing so I’m sure you’ll agree.

If you don’t fall in love even just a little bit with Kathryn after looking at the picture on the right then you must be some sort of unfeeling robot.

Even people with those artificial hearts that mean you have no heartbeat must feel their pulse quicken at such a sight.

What could be better than seeing someone you like so much look so full of joy, whilst also looking so beautiful?  Nothing I tell you, nothing!

This time we focus on new close-ups and some videos.  Yes, I’ve added some short videos which include Kathryn on the red carpet at this event.  Don’t forget the 4 new photos too.

They are all in Gallery now.

Like Hollywood, I can’t promise not to come back to this one in the future, or is it the past? :-)

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KM UK Is 7!

CC_100th_430x200Happy Birthday to KM UK!

When you see the picture above in a KM UK post it can mean only one thing (or maybe two):  it’s the site’s birthday.

Not so long ago (7 years today in fact) in a galaxy not so far away (because it was this one)…  KM UK was born.

The 18th of May 2009 was that day and today marks the site’s 7th birthday.

In the time since then we’ve racked up over 1200 posts, thousands of comments, and over a million hits per year.  Our photo and video gallery continues to grow with nearly 68,000 images and 700 registered users.  The site’s Twitter account crossed 600 followers earlier this year as well.

Thank you to everyone that visits and gets involved.

Terminator Salvation Première Photo Update

terminator_salvation_39It is fair, and a little punny, to say that photos from this event kill me every time.

We’re looking back seven, yes 7, years to May the 14th 2009 when Kathryn attended the US première of Terminator Salvation.

The film was set to reboot the franchise with a new John Connor in the form of Batman, aka Christian Bale.  It didn’t really succeed.  They tried again in 2015, this time with Arnold Schwarzenegger back involved as well as Game Of Thrones star Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor.  I don’t think that one worked either.  No doubt there are plans for another in the series though.  Hollywood just can’t let a possible cash-cow go.  Next they’ll be trying to make a sequel to Beetlejuice!  They are?

Anyhoo.  The film may not have given the fans what they wanted but Kathryn on the red carpet certainly did!

She looked stunning in her little red dress and similarly sparing use of make-up and simple hair style.  What could be better?

It’s all there.  Including a some lovely smiles.

I’ve added 9 more images from the event to the Gallery for you to feast your eyes upon.  If you dare!

To quote the big man:  “We’ll be back” to this one in the future.

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