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Putting Colony Back In The Con

colony_banner_2880x1260Thursday will be a busy day for the main cast and creators of the TV series Colony, as well as geeks in California.

Both the San Diego Comic-Con and Legendary Digital Networks (the production company behind Colony) own ‘Camp Conival’ events are happening this coming week.

The SDCC is a huge event covering all aspects of sci-fi and fantasy in TV, films, computer games and of course comic books.  There will be guests doing signings and interviews, and previews etc.  The event takes place primarily at the San Diego Convention Center starting on Wednesday (20th July) afternoon but things really get going from Thursday morning.  Sunday is the last day.

For an hour from 4:45pm the writers/producers Carlton Cuse (Lost) and Ryan Condal, and actors Josh Holloway (Lost), Sarah Wayne Callies (The Walking Dead), Adrian Pasdar (Agents Of SHIELD), Peter Jacobson (House) and Tory Kittles (True Detective) are all due to be taking part in a discussion panel.  They will be answering questions about the upcoming second season of the USA Networks sci-fi series.

Alongside the SDCC behemoth Legendary will be holding their own separate Camp Conival event at the Petco Park baseball stadium (presumably in the conference facilities rather than on the field) to showcase the large number of entertainment products they produce.  They are not some small company making the occasional series.  You will have heard of many of the pies they have their fingers in.   The aforementioned Agents Of SHIELD, other TV shows like Ash vs Evil Dead, computer game Call Of Duty, film Nerve, and a new Power Rangers movie due next year are all under their umbrella.  How often do you see a pie/umbrella mixed metaphor?

Yes, there is going to be another Power Rangers movie.  Who knew?  The young Rangers are largely unknown actors but heavyweights Brian Cranston (Breaking Bad) and Elizabeth Banks (Pitch Perfect) are the big names starring in other roles.  The lovely Elizabeth will be Rita Repulsa.  Not sure how she’ll pull-off ‘respulsive’, but I’m willing to let her have a go 😮

The Camp Conival panel with the same people taking part is due at the earlier time of 1:15pm on the same Thursday.  That could be awkward for timing except for the fact that Petco Park (sponsors naming venues huh?) is right across the road from the San Diego Convention Center.  It’s almost like they planned it!

The fact that Kathryn is not involved in either of these panels should not be taken as a sign of her not being in Colony any more.  They are only likely to invite the core cast.  Of course we don’t know either way whether we’ll be seeing her again as Charlotte the art collector.  We last saw her being taken away for keeping the best stuff for herself.

If you are able to attend either event on Thursday then be sure to ask repeatedly if Kathryn will be making a return to the show and let us know the answer.

The Comic-Con event website is here.

Colony S01E09 – Zero Day Full HD Screencaps

Colony_S01E09_093Tomorrow is ‘zero day’ for Colony season 1 being released on DVD in America.  To celebrate this event KM UK has been running a short special Summer Of HD series of posts based around the show.  The first two parts are here and here.  This is the last of this set.

Episode nine of the ten was ‘zero day’ for Kathryn’s character Charlotte Burgess.  She’d enacted punishment on Maddie (Amanda Righetti, The Mentalist) for a perceived breaking of her rules regarding certain… things… involving Mr Burgess.  Maddie’s smart though and cleverly gets herself back on Charlotte’s good side, whilst simultaneously setting the scene for bringing her down a peg or twenty.

It did not end well for Charlotte, not that we know exactly what happened so the door is still open for her return come season 2 next year.  It was Kathryn’s last appearance in the season.

So, we need to make the most of the 129 new Full HD (1080p) screencaps now added to the Gallery.

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Colony Out On US DVD On Tuesday

colony_season_1_dvd_artwork_003A quick reminder to close out the weekend.

On Tuesday (12th July 2016) the first season of the USA Network TV series Colony will be released on DVD in America.

It is available here on the Amazon US website.  When I first wrote about this the price was set (possibly as a place holder) at $24.  It has now dropped to below $20.

Also, on that page there has been additional information about the contents of the discs.  Obviously it has the all 10 episodes (Kathryn was in three: 4, 7 & 9) but now there is a description in the ‘Special Features’ section.  It says:

Disc 1 – Colony Season One:

Deleted Scenes

Disc 3 – Colony Season One:

Zero Day Deleted Scenes

Colony: Behind The Wall

Colony: Behind The Wall is likely to be one of the documentary pieces put out by the USA Network during the run-up to the broadcasting of the show.  I don’t believe Kathryn appeared in any of those.  The deleted scenes, especially from the ‘Zero Day’ episode, could be of interest though.  Released publicity shots did show Kathryn in a scene that did not feature in the show as we’ve seen it so far.

Tomorrow we’ll continue KM UK’s Summer Of HD 2016 with a set of new screencaps of Kathryn in the aforementioned ‘Zero Day’.  It looks like the end for Charlotte but with sci-fi you never know.

Colony S01E07 – Broussard Full HD Screencaps

Colony_S01E07_1080p_003The word ‘Independence’ has been a word much banded about in the last few weeks in the UK.  Whether it be related to our relationship with mainland Europe or the release of a much delayed sequel to a well known sci-fi action movie.  In both cases a person taking a lead role bowed out before the follow-up!

Today an ex-colony of the British Empire celebrates its independence from the mother country.  Happy 4th of July to all our friends on the other side of ‘the pond’.

Here on KM UK we are marking the forthcoming release of the appropriately named USA Network TV series Colony on DVD  later this month.  And we do that in the best we know with a Summer Of HD update bringing you a new set of full HD images of Kathryn in her role of Charlotte, an art curator and wife of a politician.

Talking of independence day:  if the show continues we may eventually get to see an ID4-style re-taking of the streets from their new alien overlords.

From the 7th episode, Broussard (named after a significant character in the show), we have 41 new Full HD (1080p) screencaps now in the Gallery.

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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – June 2016


The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting worse, there’s a general gloom across the country.  It must be summer in the UK :-)  Ten days past the solstice means it’s time for another look at the on-going careers some of our favourites in June’s Cold Case Cast Catch-up.

There isn’t much to report this month, and we’ve been giving Danny Pino a lot of love recently, so we’ll start with Tracie.  That’s why she gets the headline picture this month.

Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller on CC) had a guest starring role on last week’s episode of the comedy show The Mindy Project.  I mentioned in April’s CCCC-up how surprised I was that the show was still going, it having disappeared somewhat a while ago.  I only saw bits of the first season years ago so have no clue what is going by the time we reach this last-but-one-but-one episode 24 in season four.  It was titled “My Kids Stays In The Picture“, a play on a phrase apparently used by a studio head when defending a young actor that his co-stars wanted rid of.  The autobiography of Robert Evans, the kid in question, and a subsequent movie were named after the original phrase.  The TMP episode descriptions Mindy putting Leo (her kid?) up for an audition for a role in a soap opera.  From a picture Tracie posted on Instagram it looks like she was playing another mother with a child going for the same part, and trying quite hard to get herself noticed too 😯  The Mindy Project is available on the Hulu streaming service these days.

Speaking of heads… They are very much the focus of the CBS network’s (once home to Cold Case) new comedy/sci-fi/drama/dunno BrainDead (the lack of a space in the middle may be a piece of irony so very subtle even a Brit like me doesn’t get it).  You may be thinking that this is a predictable segue into the segment about Danny Pino and his leading role on the show.  You’d be wrong.  Tracie has been filming a guest part on the show recently.  When it returns after the 4th of July weekend holiday the show will be on it’s fourth episode.  The press release for the fifth does not include Tracie so we’ll be waiting a little bit longer to find out more.

Speaking of BrainDead (not so subtle)… Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on CC) and Mary Elizabeth Winstead (10 Cloverfield Lane) continue in the slightly odd, but fun, show set in the political world of Washington.  Two things stand out on this programme.  First is the opening “previously on…” segment.  It is written and sung by a gentleman by the name of Jonathan Coulton, who has been writing and performing work with a science, technology, sci-fi and humorous bent for a while.  Many of you will know his song “Still Alive” from the closing credits of the computer game Portal.  Secondly is the actual title of each episode.  The upcoming, and previously referred to, fourth episode is called “Wake Up Grassroots: The Nine Virtues of Participatory Democracy, and How We Can Keep America Great by Encouraging an Informed Electorate“.  Seriously!  That’s the longest of the five announced so far, but not by much.  I’d imagine the listings magazines and EPG designers and programmers are less than thrilled.

Aren’t I nice?  I kept it short so your head doesn’t explode.  More next time.

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