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banner_175_943x499_dianekmfanHappy Birthday Kathryn!

From all of us here at KM UK

This morning I looked at the calendar on my phone and it said “Kathryn Morris. All day”.  I could only agree  😉

It’s become something of an annual event that we take a moment or two today (28th Jan) to celebrate our favourite lady.  Even more than we do every other day.

Here on KM UK we are fortunate to have readers like Diane (a birthday girl herself recently, Happy Birthday Diane) who go to the time and effort to make some art work specifically to mark the occasion.  Thanks again.

The image above joins the many hundreds pieces of art made by fans just like you in the KM UK Gallery.   New items are always very gratefully received.  Please contact me if you want to have your work included.

Please feel free to leave your own messages for Kathryn in the comments below.

Paycheck – Saturday/Sunday, BBC1

Paycheck_1080p_046What better way to get over those winter blues than a nice Paycheck?  😉

A regular one is nice too.  The BBC seem to have dropped into an 8 month cycle with the John Woo sci-fi action drama Paycheck as it was back in May 2016 when they last broadcast it.  Before that is was September 2015.  At this rate we can book in for another viewing next September.  By then we’ll definitely need the memory wiping technology the film uses.  With luck it’ll be in mass production by then…

It’s a late one this time, or may be very early.  Hence the ‘Saturday/Sunday’ subject.  00:25/12:25am may be technically very early on Sunday morning but to all right thinking people it’s still just quite late on Saturday night.  Unless, on this occasion you are in Scotland.  Sorry to our north of the border friends.  No Paycheck for you.  The BBC’s website has details of the broadcast.

As you’ll no doubt know by now Kathryn’s role is quite short in this film.  She’s an important part of setting up the premise in those opening 10 minutes though.  The unforgettable performance by her Rita Dunne proves the memory wiping device works.  It would take a significant medical procedure to remove what is etched onto our brains  :-)

KM UK being as comprehensive as it is will mean it is no surprise that the KM UK Gallery already cover the film is some detail already.

Time (pun very much intended) for a classic KM UK countdown timer to the start of the Paycheck broadcast on BBC1 this weekend.


Colony On UK DVD Tomorrow? Maybe Not

colony_season_1_dvd_artwork_003I was going to start this post by saying it could very well be my last post involving the sci-fi-ish drama series Colony.

Kathryn is not likely to be in the second series, which started in the US last week.  The season one DVD is out in America already and the show is available via streaming services.

That being said, the DVD release of the show in Great Britain marks the end of the saga for us on KM UK.

However… it is looking like the scheduling gods have other ideas.

Tomorrow, the 16th of January 2017, was due to see the UK season one DVD release.  The Amazon page for the product has changed to ‘Currently unavailable’, which initially I took as meaning out of stock due to too many pre-orders.  The release date is still shown as the 16th.  Some other sites have the date down as the 6th of February.  I’ve found one that has the discs down for release on both dates.  Go figure!

So… Colony will probably not be available to purchase on DVD from tomorrow.  Thanks for reading  :-)

Kathryn Colony S1 Promo Photos Update

Colony_S01E04_still_009 Colony_S01E07_still_003

Is it too late to say ‘Happy New Year’?  The 8th of January feels like it is pushing it a bit.  Oh well.  Happy Sunday.

Season 2 of the sci-fi-ish TV series Colony from the American USA Network is starting on Thursday (12 Jan 2017).

The year two run is expected to last 13 episodes, three more than number one.

We were dropped right in to the heart of the alien take over last season.  A lot had happened already with few details given to the audience.  It was likely done that way so the show hit the ground running and to give the viewers a sense of the confusing and tense situation in which the protagonists found themselves.  The upcoming first new episode is said to contain a lot of flashbacks to the time in the run-up to the alien take-over.  Some of those ‘how did this happen?’ questions should be answered.

We last saw Kathryn’s Charlotte Burgess being taken away by the security services for disobeying the new masters.  Sadly, we probably have to assume that that is the final time we will ever see her.  But you never know in sci-fi shows, especially with flashbacks involved.  Charlotte’s husband Nolan (Adrian Pasdar, Heroes) is certainly still involved in the political world and now has a new lady at his side in the form of Amanda Righetti’s (The Mentalist) Maddie.  Charlotte used Maddie for her own nefarious ends but met a sticky one herself.  Perhaps Charlotte underwent a similar experience climbing the greasy pole and continued the cycle of abuse.

To mark the new season starting I’ve added some newly upgraded promo photos from episodes past.  The three new replacements are all shown above.  The main image is now huuuuuuge.  That means I have to apologise for the gratuitous bit of nudity on display.  We’ll just call it art :-)

You can see them, along with many more images of Kathryn from Colony, in the KM UK Gallery.

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year from KM UK

Best wishes for 2017 to Kathryn and all her fans

I hope you will join us in 2017.

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