
September 2024
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KM’s Reverie Spreads To IMDb

imdb_logo_100x100This one took a lot less time than the previous one I mentioned just last week.

Within a couple of days of the news breaking that Kathryn would be joining the cast of the new NBC network pilot Reverie, IMDb’s page for the show has been updated accordingly.

I always say that it seems like a small thing but it feels like it makes it true.

As I added yesterday Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner and father of her twin boys) made his congratulations public so I think we can really take it as fact.  An actual fact.  Based on verifiable facts.  You know: a fact.

Information I’ve been able to find suggests the pilot is due to start filming in mid-March and is likely to happen in the great US state of Vancouver…  Or Canada.  Most American TV shows film in Los Angeles, even those ostensibly set in other parts of the country.  Bones is set in Washington, D.C.  L&O:SVU in New York.  Castle was also in New York.  What was that other cop show set in Philadelphia?  All filmed in LA with a few exteriors done on site.  With a pilot they don’t tend to go to the expense of building the commonly used interiors as sets, which may never be used again, and go to locations instead.  The Surgeon General pilot was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia, another place regularly used for filming these days.

Looks like Kathryn will be spending a few days in Vancouver in a few weeks.

You can find Reverie‘s page on IMDb HERE.

Kathryn’s In A Reverie – Update

Awoogah! Awoogah!

Actual news news!!!

The business known as show news website Deadline is reporting that Kathryn has signed up to take a role in a new NBC network pilot called Reverie.

Reverie is a vehicle for Sarah Shahi (Person Of Interest) and is centred around the topical idea of virtual reality software.  Apparently the software is causing significant issues for users and Sarah’s Mara behavioural expert and ex-detective is brought in to investigate.

Kathryn’s role is as a Department Of Defense official called Monica Shaw.  Not surprisingly the military are very interested in such technology, especially if it is having psychological effects on those that have experienced it.  If it can be weaponised, they’ll do it.

At present this is just a pilot, an initial episode that is used to showcase the project to the network heads to make a decision of whether to turn it into a series.  As such it is currently classified on IMDb as a TV movie.  We saw the same with the Surgeon General show that Kathryn was involved in a few years ago.  That one didn’t get past the pilot stage.

This early part of the year is very much ‘pilot season’.  Projects have got through the selection process and a few are being put into production as a first episode test.  Those lucky few that become series, likely to start broadcasting in the autumn, would start filming in the summer.  The pilot could be shown as episode 1, or it could be re-worked/filmed if changes are made.

Dennis Haysbert (24), Jessica Lu (Awkward.), and Sendhil Ramamurthy (Heroes) have already joined the cast.  Amblin Television, owned by Steven Spielberg who Kathryn worked with in A.I. and Minority Report, is producing the show created by Mickey Fisher (Extent).

More news on Reverie when we hear it.

Update (25 Feb 2017):  Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner) has posted his congratulations to Kathryn in his own inimitable style on Instagram and Twitter.  It goes thusly:

Congrats my honnneeee !!! You just took the whole show up 10000 notches !! You are by far one of the most talented actors I know and a even better momma !!! 😍😍😍😍 I love you for that – link

KM In You Get Me On IMDb & Netflix Pickup

imdb_logo_100x100It’s a little thing but it makes a big difference.

Nearly a year ago, almost in passing, it was announced that Kathryn was due to have a role in the upcoming teen-thriller You Get Me.  It’s a vehicle for young stars Bella Thorne (Shake It Up!), Halston Sage (Bad Neighbours), and Nash Grier (The Deleted).  The plot sounds a bit Fatal Attraction, set in high school.

Kathryn’s name was dropped into reports of the cast expanding alongside the recent NCIS addition Jennifer Esposito.  Subsequent reports didn’t mention Kathryn and it felt increasingly likely that her part had suffered at the hands of the editing process, never to see the light of day.

Now we have the small but important piece of evidence that we may yet see what ever character Kathryn is playing in this movie (at the time of writing we don’t yet have a character name or any description of the role).  Kathryn has been added to the listed cast of You Get Me on the Internet Movie Database website (IMDb).  It may not seem much but it carries some weight.  The film’s page is HERE.

The other piece of news evident from the information on the IMDb page is that You Get Me is now a Netflix movie, suggesting the film will be released exclusively on the streaming platform.  Still no signs of a release date though.

Be My Valentine, Or Not


To Kathryn, with a healthy detachment

Happy Valentine’s Day

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Kathryn @ Tyler Ellis 5th Anniversary & New Collection Launch

Tyler_Ellis_Celebrates_5th_008YAY!  SHE’S BACK!

Well… she was two weeks ago.  Who know’s where Kathryn’s been since then?

It is a very long time ago that I was last able to headline a post with “Kathryn @” and then post pictures from a just happened event.  That’s because it was a long time ago.  Almost exactly two whole years.

But let’s not dwell on lack of past and focus on the… err… past.  It’s just soooo good to see her again.

On the 31st of January Kathryn attended a launch party for the Tyler Ellis fashion brand’s latest range of handbags, the Petra Flannery Collection, and combined 5th anniversary celebration.

As you can see Kathryn, looking lovely of course, went in an interestingly patterned red and black dress with a leather jacket she clearly stole from a child as it is so small :-)  And we know Kathryn is petite.  As you can tell I  know nothing about fashion but I can do my research.  I believe the bag Kathryn is holding in several of the photos is, appropriately enough, an Aimee large clutch bag from Tyler Ellis’s Infinity Bar collection.  Not the cheap plastic bag I carry things around in.  Those Cold Case royalty cheques don’t spend themselves :-)

You can view Tyler Ellis’s website to look at nice things you can’t afford HERE.

But enough of me waffling.  There are now 20 new images in the Gallery.  Enjoy.

Thanks so much to Becca for going to the trouble of letting me know what I’d manage to miss so that I could pass it on to you all.

Tyler_Ellis_Celebrates_5th_016 Tyler_Ellis_Celebrates_5th_019 Tyler_Ellis_Celebrates_5th_020

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