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The Reverie Starts Today

pilot_script_coverJust a quick post.

Filming on the pilot for a possible new NBC show Reverie kicked of today in the Canadian city of Vancouver.

To prove/celebrate writer Mickey Fisher (Extant) has posted a picture of the front of the test episode’s script.

Apart from the episodes real title “Aperatus” Mickey is not giving anything away, except for maybe a possibly logo.

We already know that the show stars Sarah Shahi (Person Of Interest), Dennis Haysbert (24), Sendhil Ramamurthy (Heroes), Jessica Lu (Awkward.), as well as Kathryn, and is based around virtual reality.

Someone’s made a VR system that has unwanted, by some, consequences.  Sarah investigates.  Dennis helps.  Kathryn, as a representative of the military, likely has other ideas.

The filming is expected to continue until the end of the month.

The Coin Holds Courts In France

concours_de_courts_456x208The Coin, the short film by Fabien Martorell that stars Christopher Lloyd and Kathryn, is roughly one fifth (1/5) the length of a single episode of Cold Case.

There were 156 episodes of Cold Case meaning you could watch The Coin nearly 800 times in the duration of a still imaginary Cold Case boxset.

Despite that disparity I’ve managed to post just less than half as often about this small film project compared to CBS’s long-running TV drama.  Admittedly this site came into existence towards the end of CC‘s run.

Amazingly I’m still given occasional reasons for report on The Coin‘s progress.  Now in the latest.

Yesterday Fabien evening let it be known that his mini-epic has been selected for another film festival.  This time it is the Concours de Courts held in Toulouse in south western France.

The screening is due to take place at the Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, apparently one of the oldest universities in France, on Thursday the 23rd of March at 7pm.

Find out more about event on the Concours de Courts website HERE.

US Roommate Becomes British Lodger

the_lodger_uk_dvd_cover_001It only seems like days since the last DVD delay.  That time was only a few weeks ago.  This was is more like two years.

For some reason, best known to the gods of the movie distribution industry, the film we original came to know as 2Br/1Ba (short for 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom) and was finally released as Roommate Wanted, has now been released in the UK as The Lodger.

It is not as though roommate is a specifically American term and the name required an English translation.  It looks like Frontline Home Entertainment have decided to try and re-brand the film as a horror film, rather than the dark comedy it really is.  As you can see from the DVD artwork on the right they’ve ramped up the ‘here’s Johnny!’ factor.

A large copy of the artwork (see right), along with other lots of other 2Br/1Ba / Roommate Wanted / The Lodger related material, can be found in the Gallery.  Check out the second version of the DVD box graphics I found.  It is clearly an earlier version with the most obvious difference being the position of the woman’s head in the gap.  Can you spot the mistake?

The film’s gallery pages include the amazing on set video message that Kathryn record espescially for us here at KM UK.  Full details HERE.

The Lodger is available from Amazon UK HERE and a review by Phil Wheat at the Nerdly website can be found HERE.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – February 2017


February is a tricky one.  Always shorter than any other month and at the time of year when a lot of stuff isn’t happening besides award shows.  But I think we can put together a reasonable a few bits of news for this, the lstest look at the careers of the Cold Cast cast that aren’t Kathryn.

For what’s seemed like years I’ve been posting about John Finn (John Stillman in CC) being in the new CBS legal drama Doubt.  Major changes to cast and crew but the whole thing in, well, doubt.  John’s continued appearance in cast list looked, well, doubtful.  Especially as he wasn’t included in press releases for the first couple of episodes.  Finally Doubt hit the small screens in America early this month.  John was definitely in the première episode.  No doubt.  He played the father of a man with mental health issues on trial for murder.  I’m not sure John actually spoke a word in any of his very brief appearances, primarily in the background in court.  This is legal drama after all.  Anyway, the whole show has been thrown in, well, doubt now as after broadcasting just two episodes (of the 13 filmed) it has been pulled from the schedules.  The ratings did not live up to expectations.  The unbroadcast episodes could see the light of day over the quieter summer months or be consigned to the shelf forever.  A second season is, to say the least, doubtful.  Sorry.

The big news for our small band of castmates is Danny Pino (Scotty Valens on CC) getting a new gig on an co-production between NBCUniversal International Studios, RTL in Germany, and France’s TF1.  Gone is a 12 part drama about a woman who was abducted as a child and joins her FBI rescuer Frank Booth in a team investigating similar cases.  Danny goes from Kat to Kit as he is Agent John Bishop working along side Kit Lannigan (Leven Rambin, True Detective).  Chris Noth (Mr Big in Sex And The City) is Frank Booth.  I don’t know what the international production element means for the series as it seems to be US set.  It is based on a book called One Kick by Chelsea Cain.  Kit is known as Kick.  Expect a release in the 2017-18 winter.

We can’t seem to go through one of these with out mentioning Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) so I’ll just drop in that the Netflix TV series Love is due to return next week and has already been given a third season.

KM’s Reverie Spreads To IMDb

imdb_logo_100x100This one took a lot less time than the previous one I mentioned just last week.

Within a couple of days of the news breaking that Kathryn would be joining the cast of the new NBC network pilot Reverie, IMDb’s page for the show has been updated accordingly.

I always say that it seems like a small thing but it feels like it makes it true.

As I added yesterday Johnny Messner (Kathryn’s partner and father of her twin boys) made his congratulations public so I think we can really take it as fact.  An actual fact.  Based on verifiable facts.  You know: a fact.

Information I’ve been able to find suggests the pilot is due to start filming in mid-March and is likely to happen in the great US state of Vancouver…  Or Canada.  Most American TV shows film in Los Angeles, even those ostensibly set in other parts of the country.  Bones is set in Washington, D.C.  L&O:SVU in New York.  Castle was also in New York.  What was that other cop show set in Philadelphia?  All filmed in LA with a few exteriors done on site.  With a pilot they don’t tend to go to the expense of building the commonly used interiors as sets, which may never be used again, and go to locations instead.  The Surgeon General pilot was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia, another place regularly used for filming these days.

Looks like Kathryn will be spending a few days in Vancouver in a few weeks.

You can find Reverie‘s page on IMDb HERE.

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