A couple of days ago we posted an update regarding Kathryn’s attendance of Advertising Week in New York in 2021.
As part of KM UK’s on-going catch-up we see Kathryn re-visiting the event this year. Again, Kathryn was promoting her The Savants Initiative and it looks like she did another interview. We don’t have footage of that yet, but it took them a year to post the one from 2021, so it may emerge at some point in the future.
Alongside the interview, Kathryn was at an event called ‘AWConnects Happy Hour with Spectrum Reach’. Presumably this was some kind of networking event.
It is from this section that we have a few small photos, now in the Gallery.
As usual, we hope we can return to this event with further updates.

Back in October 2021 we covered that Kathryn had attended Advertising Week in New York.
Kathryn was there to promote her The Savants initiative and took part in The Creative Showcase Stage, conducting an interview with Tom Ajello.
This is just a quick post with additional photos from the event (photoshoot, interview, publicity shot) and a link to a video of the interview which only recently found its way to YouTube.
The images are in the Gallery and you can watch the 25 minute long chat HERE.

A missed opportunity.
In my checking details of for the previous post about Hayseed being part of the AHITH later this month, I stumbled across a bit of interesting news.
Apparently, Hayseed was screened during the Derby Film Festival back in mid-November. Not only that but the director Travis Burgess was present and took part in a Q&A session. It is possible that this was in effect the première festival showing by the film.
For our international readers, Derby is a city in the centre of England, best known for the home of Rolls Royce jet engines and a lot of train engineering works.
If only I had known this was happening before hand I would have made the effort to try and attend the event. That would have been a first for this website.
The festival’s website has the following description of the film:
A dark comedy murder-mystery set in a small American Midwest town, where detective Leo Hobbins (Bill Sage) is left to investigate a murder, when the local reverend is found dead in the baptismal font leaving Hobbins to depend on the band of offbeat residents in the town including the local gossip Joyce (Kathryn Morris, Cold Case)and the gullible Duck (Jack Falahee, How To get Away With Murder) to assist with the investigation.
In a couple of weeks time, the new movie Hayseed will be getting an airing courtesy of the 2022 Another Hole In The Head film festival.
For those that need a catch-up (this site certainly does!), Hayseed is a new independent crime thriller/mystery/comedy in which Kathryn has a small role. See the previous KM UK post about it HERE.
The San Francisco-based AHITH festival is primarily horror-focused but they do venture in to sci-fi and other genres as they see fit.
Hayseed has been added to the official selection for the 2022 running of the event. However, as far as I can tell the film is not being screened in a theatre setting, but rather only via an online stream. This appears to be limited to members and is also geo-locked to the California area and will be available over the 3 days from the 16th-18th December 2022.
For more details on the AHITH festival see their website HERE.
If you are able to view the film, please do report back to us.
The poster you see to the right (large version in the Gallery) gives us a glimpse of Kathryn in character.
You might know as Vincent Mancini in The Godfather films. Or Terry Benedict in the Ocean’s Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen movies. Or maybe as Fernando Cienfuegos (does that mean 100 fires?) in Mama Mia: Here We Go Again. And there’s about one hundred more of them. Whatever role you know Andy Garica for, he has only turned his hand to directing on a handful of times. One of those was the Cold Case episode ‘Cargo’.
The fact that Andy hasn’t directed since, at least until a project that appears to currently under way, might tell us a few things about his experience. I’m sure it was fine, though the body language oozing of Kathryn in the image above is ‘interesting’ at first glance.
‘Cargo’ was the ante-penultimate episode of season 4 of Cold Case, being aired for the first time on this day in 2007.
The one image we have to add to the KM UK Gallery today is of Kathryn, Danny, and Andy on set. It joins another picture that gained a certain notoriety on this site. Oh, the stories I could tell.
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Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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