An important aspect of KM UK which I hope all our readers appreciate is the fact that no story is truly closed off. We could return at any time to an item covered before. KM UK is constantly on the look out for new and updated content to bring you.
And so we go back to the New York Comic Con event from early October last year for something new and a couple of updates. Kathryn was at the event to promote the upcoming TV show Reverie.
First up is a video of the Reverie panel, where the key cast and crew discuss their project in front of an audience, by Mynda Bullock which has recently become available. You can watch the full video recorded by Mynda on YouTube HERE. Kathryn’s part starts about 10 minutes in. A small copy of just Kathryn’s segment, as video 8, is in the KM UK Gallery HERE (there are some screencaps from it too).
In the complete piece each of the cast (Sarah Shahi, Dennis Haysbert, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Jessica Lu, and Kathryn) and writer/producer Mickey Fisher and writer Tom Szentgyorgyi get to talk about Reverie. They describe their role and share some feelings about the show and its meanings.
The audio is not great quality so I’ll try and describe what Kathryn says. She is asked by the interviewer (sorry I don’t know who it is) about her character being, essentially, the villain of the show. Kathryn’s response is to say that her Department Of Defence employee has a lot of mystery and that the writers have created a show with a lot of emotion as well as being futuristic. She adds that despite her work Monica Shaw is human and even the bad guys have light and dark aspects, and that was very important to her attraction to the role.
To further gild this lily (see what I did there?) we have a couple of photos from the same NYCC event updated to new and improved super size. Catch them (numbers 6 and 38) in the Gallery HERE.
Reverie is due to start on May 30th.

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