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Reverie S01E07 – Preview Video

artwork_002Unfortunately the most recent episode of Reverie, number six in the series was Shaw-less.  That is to say Kathryn did not feature at all.

Luckily we know from the promo image released late last week that Kathryn is very likely to be in number 7.

Reverie_s01e07_previewA trailer for ‘The Black Mandala’ does not, however, give us any signs of that as it is also very, very Monica-lite.  She’s not in the video.

Out next week, the previously published press release covers the basics of the plot, for the forthcoming instalment, due for broadcast on the 18th.

The video, joins the promo image in the the Gallery.  If there are any further clips released that include Kathryn this post will be updated accordingly.

Also,  ‘Kat & Jess’ return with another hi-larious Après Exitus video.  Find that in the Gallery too.

Reverie S01E07 – Promo Photo

Reverie_s01e07_promo_001Unfortunately the use of the singular ‘photo’ in the title is not a mistake.

Of the small collection of photos recently released for episode 7 of Reverie, ‘The Black Mandala’, only one included Kathryn.  See above.  It is, of course, in the Gallery now, small-ish at the moment but it will be upgraded when if possible.

I can’t decide what is going on in this image.  Is Monica giving another presentation to the team?  The look on her face and stance suggests to me that she is confronting someone about something they’ve done, or is being told something she didn’t want to hear.  Ms Shaw does not look too happy.

The press release, posted on KM UK two weeks ago HERE, doesn’t give anything away regarding Monica’s role in this particular plot.

‘The Black Mandala’ is due for first broadcast next week, on the 18th of July.

Update (17th July):  As promised the promo photo above has been upgraded to one significantly bigger and better.

Happy 4th Of July 2018

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieHappy 4th of July to Kathryn, her family and all of KM UK’s friends in the US.

They’ll be lots of celebrations going on across the United States Of America today.  To use a quote from The Simpsons:  “Celebrate the independence of your nation by blowing up a small part of it.”

Of course there will be some that right now would prefer things hadn’t gone the way they did 242 years ago.  Though, looking at the leadership this side of the pond might give you pause on that one.  Little bit of politics there.  My name’s RichE.  Goodnight.

Here on KM UK we always celebrate this occasion with the image above.  smallbarbie (thank you) created it especially for this site to include in our Fan Art Gallery.  If you want to contribution an image please contact me.

Reverie S01E06 – Preview Video

artwork_002Reverie_s01e06_previewSomehow amongst all the information available, including the press release for this upcoming episode, I had missed that Reverie is not on this week.  Wednesday being the 4th of July means it is a big holiday week in America, and most of the main TV networks are taking a break from their normal schedules.

Based on the preview video (now added to the Gallery) and the lack of Kathryn in the released promo photographs (not in the Gallery) for this episode we should not get our hopes up for her starring much.  If at all.  Kathryn does not feature in the video.

“Pas de Deux”, episode 6 of Reverie is due to be broadcast next week on the 11th of July.

Cold Case Cast Catch-up – June 2018


It’s that time again when we reach the end of the month and take a look back at recent news about the other cast members of Cold Case.

To begin with we go to Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC).  On several occasions we’ve had reason to mention Mayans MC (motorcycle club).  This is a TV show on the FX channel in America which is a spin-off of the popular Sons Of Anarchy.  Mayans is set in the same ‘universe’ as SOA but is largely separate.  It starts a few years after the end of the original show and apparently makes references to the events that happened at its close.  At the beginning of June a panel of the cast and crew attended the ATX Television Festival in Austin, Texas.  Danny was there along with the creator Kurt Sutter.  A clip of the new programme was shown, followed by a discussion about the series by those assembled.  Just a couple of days ago it was announced that FX will begin broadcasting Mayans MC on the 4th of September after a debut at the San Diego Comic-Con in late July.  Expect another discussion panel there.  Of note is that Kurt and Danny crossed paths during Danny’s brief stint on The Shield.  Kurt wrote one of the episodes Danny starred in.

Danny appears to have announced is own participation in the Netflix comedy One Day At A Time a few hours ago (at time of publishing).  The power of social media.  ODAAT has so far had two seasons, each of 13 episodes, released in January of this year and last.  The show is about a divorced mother of two sharing a house with her mother.  Justina Machado (Six Feet Under, Cold Case episode ‘The Good Death’) stars as the mother, Rita Moreno (Oz) is the grandmother.  Danny is set to join the cast as the brother of Justina’s character. A multi-generational comedy is hardly a new idea and in this case that is even more true than normal as this is based on a show of the same name from the late-seventies/early eighties.  The original ran for 9 seasons on CBS.  A major change for the update is the shift to it being based around a Cuban-American family living in Los Angeles.  Following the normal pattern of release dates for the previous two seasons, expect every episode of season 3 to be available in one go via the streaming service early next in 2019.

Some how we got through the May 2018 CCCC-up without mentioning Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) and we survived!  I’m not sure we could have survived two in a row!  The chance of not discussing the always-working Tracie for so long is of ‘hell freezing over’ proportions.  But we could do with a bit of cooling down here in the UK, with a lengthy period of warm and humid weather making things uncomfortable for many.

After a premiere at the SXSW film festival in March we recently had the release of the trailer for the comedy short film Are We Good Parents? starring Sean Maguire (Once Upon A Time) and Tracie.  You can watch all 40 seconds of the already award-winning film trailer HERE on Vimeo.  Tracie and Sean are parents to a teenage girl who they had long believed was gay.

Are we seeing a new trend in titles?  Tracie has joined a stellar cast for a new 10 part drama series for Apple (yes, the iPhone maker) called Are You Sleeping.  I’ve not seen it written anywhere with a question mark so I assume that is the way it is supposed to be.  Check out this cast list:  Octavia Spencer (Hidden Figures), Elizabeth Perkins (Weeds), Mekhi Phifer (ER), Lizzy Caplan (Cloverfield), Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Ron Cephas Jones (This Is Us), and Tracie, amongst others.  Reese Witherspoon (Election) is involved on the other side of the camera via her production camera.  Based on a novel by Kathleen Barber looks at the increasing interest in podcasts (from the company that effectively named the medium) about true crime stories, and the impact that has on the justice system.

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