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The Prophecy II – Screencaps & Video

They were clearly saving the best til last with this one.

Well nearly the last.

Kathryn gets less than half a minute of air-time in this one, and some of that is out of focus in the background.  It is not As Good As It Gets short, but it is not far off.  She doesn’t make it on screen until some of the final scenes.  You couldn’t really leave it any later than that.

Billed just as Anxious Mother, Kathryn speaks briefly with Valerie Rosales, the lead character as played by Jennifer Beals, about being worried letting her daughter go away on the school bus.

Updated screencaps and a video clip have been added to the Gallery.

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AI: Artificial Intelligence – Sunday

ai_10In case the image above hasn’t done it already…  Gentlemen, start your engines!

Bit of a late catch on this one.

Sunday 5th of July 2009, BBC1, 10.25pm.  Details on the BBC’s website here.

Kathryn in a very brief appearance, totalling less than 20 seconds of screen time in the middle of the film, as the interestingly named Teenage Honey.  Well quite!  Not exactly a teenager, but definitely a honey.  Nothing artificial and plenty of intelligence too 😉

Screencaps and a video clip from the movie can be found in the Gallery.

Kathryn’s Stars & Stripes top is a nice reminder of today’s date, so let me wish all our American cousins a happy 4th of July.  And thank you for Kathryn.

Murder, She Wrote: A Waitress To Die For

Finally! It’s been a long time coming.

The BBC have been showing the TV series Murder, She Wrote for quite a while now and they are, at last, approaching the end of season 12.  Why is this important to us?  Episode 22, titled What You Don’t Know Can Kill You, sees Kathryn get an acting credit.

First broadcast in May of 1996 in the USA, over 13 years ago now, it is one of Kathryn’s earlier small screen appearances.  The part, credited only as Doreen the Waitress, is likely to be very small.  Of course Kathryn later crossed paths with Angela Lansbury again in one of the Murder, She Wrote TV movies that followed the end of the TV series.  A Story To Die For (which crops up occasionally on ITV) saw Kathryn in a far more substantial role as the personal assistant of one of the main protagonists.

I’ve been tracking the progress of the show on BBC2 for nearly a year now having noticed it was getting regular showings (normally once a day, five days a week), and that they were progressing through the various seasons in order.  I predicted that the one episode I actually wanted to see would be broadcast around this time.  It was looking tantalisingly close a month ago but various horses races and tennis championships, including the Wimbledon fortnight, got in the way.  Well now it is in the schedules to be shown in a couple of weeks time.

Make a note of this date: Wednesday, 15th July 2009.

Make a note of this time:  3pm.

Make a note of this channel:  BBC2.

Details can be found here on the RadioTimes website.

Look out for a reminder nearer the time, and a post and Gallery update shortly afterwards 😉

KM UK Exclusive! Yet Still More Pensacola Screencaps & Videos

Nearly there.  Three more episodes (ep17-19) worth of screencaps and videos of Kathryn as Lt. Annalisa “Stinger” Lindstrom have been added to the Pensacola: Wings Of Gold gallery.

Annalisa’s “will they won’t they” relationship with A.J. is really building.  Lots of great smiles and in echo of the recent Stealing Home episode of Cold Case we get Kathryn playing baseball.

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Please do leave comments, here and in the Gallery (images can be rated too), it would be good to hear some thoughts on how this new site is going.

AOAHSP – “Coming Soon”

posterI’ve seen reports of an Assassination Of A High School President preview trailer appearing on some recent US DVD releases.  So far Powder Blue and What Goes Up (a Sony Pictures release, as AOAHSP is likely to be) have been mentioned.  Neither, apparently, gave an actual release date for the film, just a “Coming Soon” message.

It may not be definitive proof, but it does at least suggest that the intention is to release AOAHSP on DVD in the near future.

In case you needed reminding Kathryn has a small role in AOAHSP playing Nurse Platt.

Images and a video clip from the movie can be found in the Gallery.

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