As we rush
headlong towards the start of season 7 I wanted to get my CC screencap collection from the earlier seasons finalised. The season 5 set was a little lacking in numbers so I’ve gone back and done a whole new load from episode 4 (Devil Music) to the finale (ep18, Ghost Of My Child). The first 3 episodes of the run were covered well enough already.
Reference has to be made to ‘the hair’. This had to be the worst season for ‘dos’ of the 5 up to this point. What were the production crew thinking? It started off OK with an only slightly unreal looking straight look in Thrill Kill. Then it morphed into a frankly weird near-beehive-with-silly-fringe thing. There was brief respite in the cemetery scene in Thick As Thieves with a more natural look for Lilly.
Fortunately, Andy In C Minor signalled a trichological shift. Was this after the enforced break caused by the writers strike of early 2008? The silly fringe was gone but the ponytail remained and it still had that essential ‘Lillyness’. I think the make-up changed a bit as well giving Lilly a much more natural look. A significant improvement all round 😛 Of course, you may disagree.
Season 5, of course, followed the dramatic events that ended season 4. Lilly was forced into therapy to assess of her ability to work, not that she stopped. Didn’t amount to much really, just a couple of sessions, possibly another victim of the writers strike.
And we get to meet Eddie…
There were some great smiles, amongst other things, along the way.
Cold Case season 5 can be found here in the Gallery.

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