
September 2024
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Cold Case Season 7 Promo Photos? – Update x2

promo_009I say “?” because I’m not entirely sure. I’ve been told these images are from a CC season 7 promo shoot but I don’t have corroborating evidence of that. So, until I find out otherwise I’m treating them as that.

Anyway, two photos. One large, one small. Both great.

Head for the Gallery.

It’s been a busy week here on KM UK and this is nice way to end it.  Thank you to all that have contributed.

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Thanks to Shahel.

Update: I’m going with “No”.  I’ve moved these images to the season 6 promo area.

Update 2: New, larger and better quality version of some of the images in this set.

Futon Critic Interview

TV news and reviews website The Futon Critic has a new interview with Kathryn by Jim Halterman.

Kathryn discusses various aspects of the show including her recent co-stars Bobby Cannavale and Daniel Baldwin.

KM: I love him. When you’ve lived in Daniel Baldwin’s shoes there’s something else that you bring to the party. It was really great to go toe-to-toe with him and so much so that he worked his way into the cat and mouse game we’re going to have this season.

The full article can be found here.

Cold Case Season 5 On Sky3

Cold_Case_S05E01_lilly_029UK viewers without a Sky satellite subscription will get to see Cold Case season 5 on the Sky3 channel very soon.

The first 2 episodes go out on Sunday (27 September 2009) starting at 10pm, repeated the following Tuesday at 9pm.

Sky3 is available on the free-to-air Freeview digital TV system here in the UK.

I know that many of you reaching this site are searching for information on when Sky will show Cold Case season 7.  I am looking into this and will publish any news I find.

KM With A Touch Of Mobility

Cold_Case_S06E02_lilly_52For readers viewing KM UK using popular mobile devices I have added a great WordPress plug-in to make viewing it easier. It is called WP Touch by a group called Brave New Code.

The plug-in gives users of the iPhone, iPod touch, Android (Google phone), Opera Mini, Palm Pre and BlackBerry Storm a very different looking site, with the same great content of course :-)  The layout is designed to fit on the small screens much better and to reduce the download size, improving performance.  Most of the usual features are available, including being able read and post comments.

Mobile users that don’t want to use the simplified theme can flick a switch at the bottom of the page (see 4th image below) to revert to the normal theme, as viewed by desktop browsers.  Using something like the User Agent Switcher Add-on for Firefox users could see the mobile theme on their desktop.  Examples of how the site looks with this option can be seen in the images below.

Hopefully this addition is useful to some of you.  Let me know what you think.

Cold Case Season 5 Screencaps Revisited

Cold_Case_S05E16_lilly_170As we rush :roll: headlong towards the start of season 7 I wanted to get my CC screencap collection from the earlier seasons finalised.  The season 5 set was a little lacking in numbers so I’ve gone back and done a whole new load from episode 4 (Devil Music) to the finale (ep18, Ghost Of My Child).  The first 3 episodes of the run were covered well enough already.

Cold_Case_S05E04_lilly_088Reference has to be made to ‘the hair’.  This had to be the worst season for ‘dos’ of the 5 up to this point.  What were the production crew thinking?  It started off OK with an only slightly unreal looking straight look in Thrill Kill.  Then it morphed into a frankly weird near-beehive-with-silly-fringe thing.  There was brief respite in the cemetery scene in Thick As Thieves with a more natural look for Lilly.

Cold_Case_S05E14_lilly_153Fortunately, Andy In C Minor signalled a trichological shift.  Was this after the enforced break caused by the writers strike of early 2008?  The silly fringe was gone but the ponytail remained and it still had that essential ‘Lillyness’.  I think the make-up changed a bit as well giving Lilly a much more natural look.  A significant improvement all round 😛 Of course, you may disagree.

Season 5, of course, followed the dramatic events that ended season 4.  Lilly was forced into therapy to assess of her ability to work, not that she stopped.  Didn’t amount to much really, just a couple of sessions, possibly another victim of the writers strike.

And we get to meet Eddie…

There were some great smiles, amongst other things, along the way.

Cold Case season 5 can be found here in the Gallery.

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