I know!
Apologies for the attempt at French.
So that is what Lilly looked like on one of her nights in with Ray!
Kathryn is due to appear in the French magazine Télé 7 Jours this week. And by the looks of it she is going to appear quite a lot, or should that be “quite a lot of her is due to appear”
Hopefully we’ll get to see more than just the cover soon 😉
This seems like a perfect excuse to start a Magazine section in the Gallery.
Thanks to zoé @ ColdCasePedia and the French Cold Case fans at Hypnoweb.net for the info.
Update: New, larger, images from the magazine have been added. The article image is the same as the cover. If someone wants to translate the text into English I’ll post it here.
Update 2: I’ve attempted a translation. Click below.
Update 3: In case some people haven’t realised the magazine isn’t called Belle du Jour. It was my attempt at “beautiful day” in French. Linking the magazine title (Télé 7 Jours), Kathryn being beautiful and a day with such a good Kathryn picture is a good one. I’m sorry if some people have failed to understand this.
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