
March 2025
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Cold Case S07E05 – WASP Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E05_lilly_251Quoting the Oasis song lyric “don’t look back in anger” seems rather redundant at this point.

252 HD (720p) screencaps of Lilly in WASP have been added to the Gallery.

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Preview videos for Dead Heat (S07E06) and Read Between The Lines (S07E07) have also been added to the Gallery.

KM UK Hiatus Over

Hello again.

I’m back in a situation where I can update KM UK as normal.  Expect my normal HD screencaps from the two most recent episodes of Cold Case to appear in the next day or so.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Kathryn for not attending any events during the downtime so I would not miss photos of her at them :-)


KM UK Hiatus

KM UK is going to be quiet for the next couple of weeks.  Other commitments mean I will not be able to make any significant updates to the site during that time.

Unfortunately my usual posting of HD screencaps from the next couple of new Cold Case episodes will be delayed.  That is assuming the episodes themselves aren’t delayed of course.  Rest assured the images will be done, just not as quickly as normal.

Any other business will have to wait as well.

Be good and look after Kathryn for me.


Is It Getting Warm Out Here? – Update x4

environmental_media_awards_013That’s quite a contrast to the event the previous day.

Kathryn attended the Environmental Media Awards held at the Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, on 25th October 2009. The event was celebrating its 20th anniversary. Well, if we’ve been having these events for 20 years perhaps the environment isn’t in such a mess after all :-) Remember to recycle that joke.

I have to say that, much like for the Monte Carlo Television Festival event on Saturday, I’m not a fan of the dress. I don’t think it suits her.

And the hair is not as good either. Why are there bits hanging in front of and behind the shoulders? If it was all swept back it would be better.

At least she didn’t over do the lipstick as she did a couple of years ago at the same event. And the dress that time out was a little odd too.  Kathryn, just don’t try so hard and you look great.  Nice to see the legs on display again though :-)

34 HQ images are in the Gallery.

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Thanks again to Ludo, he really came through for me this weekend.

Update: 13 more images added to the gallery. Thanks to 007 this time.

Update 2: 17 more images added to the gallery. Thanks again to 007.

Update 3: Interview video added. Thanks to silversideup.

Update 4: Maximum Morris edit video and HD screencaps added (November 2010) to the Gallery.

The Soul Train Already Left

Cold_Case_S07E02_lilly_063For those of you looking for screencaps from the latest Cold Case episode, Soul (S07E04), it having finally aired in the US last night, you’re in luck.  You can find a post already about it here.

A new, less faulty, promo for the next episode, WASP, has been added to the Gallery.

Check out TVFan‘s review over at Pass The Remote and the discussion at Look Again.

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