
September 2024
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The River 105.9 FM Interview – Update

Kathryn recently took part in a telephone interview on the radio station The River 105.9 FM that is based in her home state of Connecticut.

Celebrity Access With Renee on 1st December 2009 played host to the 5 minute chat which covered the weather in Connecticut and California, Cold Case’s test move to 9pm, and Cold Case season 7 story lines.  An upcoming episode with music exclusively by The Doors is mentioned and a rumoured one by The Rolling Stones.

You can listen to the interview online, as a podcast or download it from The River’s website.  A copy has also been added to the Gallery.

Update: I’ve put together a rough transcript of the interview for those interested.  You’ll find it after the jump.

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Xmas 09 Countdown on KM UK

And I thought Santa was supposed to be granting people’s Xmas wishes, not keeping the best stuff for himself!

Time for a bit of Xmas themed fun here on KM UK.  I’ve put together a sort of advent calendar in the Gallery.  It is not properly interactive in the way I’d like, so that you’d click on a “door” to reveal an image.  Instead, I’ve had to use a simpler system where by each day a new image will be revealed (assuming I remember and am able to).  Clicking on the thumbnail will reveal a larger version of the image.  Even bigger and better versions of each can be found elsewhere in the Gallery though.  Clicking on an unrevealed image will only show you a bigger version of the thumbnail, or nothing.

Obviously all the pictures are of Kathryn, but I’ve chosen a set of pictures of our girl really smiling.  25 great smiles.  What could be more Xmasy than that?

Unfortunately I only came up with this idea yesterday so I’m already a few days behind.  Tomorrow I will start “opening doors” revealing 2 at a time until we catch up.

You can find the advent calendar HERE, and I have added a link in the menu on the right to make it easier to get to.

Update: Thanks to zoé for the Xmas themed ‘K’ logo.  It looks great.

Long Road Home

long_road_home_002And now for something completely different.  Can’t say I ever expected to see this.  I’d chalked it up as one that was likely to always escape me.  However, due to the generosity of a reader I can bring you something that will be new to most.  Thanks to Misa for all her help, it was above and beyond the call of duty.  It was definitely a long road to my home for this.

Dating from 1991, Long Road Home was Kathryn’s first credited TV or film appearance, this actually being a “made for TV movie.”  In fact it is so old and Kathryn was so young back then that she hadn’t even grown the “r” or “n” in her name, being listed only as Kathy Morris :-)

She really is quite the babe in arms. Well, a babe anyway 😉

Screencaps and video clips can now be found in the Gallery.

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FHM = For Me Magazine? – Thank You

I think you can guess where this is going.

Would any of our France-based readership be willing to buy and send me a copy of December’s FHM?  So far my attempts to get one in the UK have come to nothing.  You will, of course, be fully reimbursed for your efforts.  I’ll even throw in some eternal gratitude  :-)

Or do you know a place in the UK where a copy could be obtained?

Please use the contact form to let me know.

Update: I just wanted to post a quick update to say a public thank you to the people that have contacted me regarding this.  I’m not going to name names (you know who you are) but I greatly appreciate the time and effort you’ve gone to on my behalf.  I am very lucky to have such a great group of people reading my little site.  I’m still open to offers though.  If I get extra copies I’m happy to distribute them further afield.

FHM France December 2009 – The Interview

page_4We are yet again indebted to zoé for her efforts on our behalf.  This time she has taken pity on us, the great uneducated masses, and translated Kathryn’s recent FHM interview into English.

Madame Cold

At 40, the heroine of Cold Case has decided to re-open the case “sexy blonde”…

Blonde, cold and sad… in Cold Case, detective Lilly Rush re-opens files of unsolved murders which often contain a fair amount of melancholy.  Blonde, fresh and sparkling… in real life Kathryn Morris is much less icy than the atmosphere in the archives of the Philadelphia Police Department.  And she proves it by accepting, at just 40, to pose undressed for FHM.  Pictures that will quickly join our office files of “hot cases”.

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