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Kathryn Asked The Question Then

It finally happened!  Only taking 3 months from the earlier post announcing the various celebs that would be appearing at some point during the season.

Yesterday (13 Jan 2010) Kathryn made her brief (hey! I only typed it, you’re thinking it 😉 ) appearance on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Screencaps and a Maximum Morris edit (all Kathryn, all the time!) video can be found in the Gallery.  The quality isn’t great, I’m looking for better.  Readers of a nervous disposition should be aware that the video and the screencaps contain the answer to the question.

Thanks go to norvalDNA for posting the original video on YouTube here.

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Lilly Must Be Home Before Midnight?

Cold_Case_S04E15_lilly_006I don’t normally post general CC news here but these were too good to pass up.

Louie’s back!  That has to be the best CC news in ages.

And, we are getting Lilly in a dress!  At a wedding!  Could these two things be related?  Does Cinderella get to go to the ball?  Read on to find out.

This involves spoilers so I’ll post the info after the jump.  You can also read the article over on TV Guide Magazine website here, along with some other news on upcoming episodes.

Thanks to IcyWinter and Spoiler TV for the heads up.

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Cold Case S07E11 – The Good Soldier Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E11_lilly_107We’ve hit another milestone here on KM UK.  This is the 100th post.  Not bad in just 8 months.

Please Cold Case, can we just let Lilly look like Kathryn.  It can’t be hard, she’s under there somewhere! (Who else read that as underwear ? 😉 )

184 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

For in-depth discussions on the episode try the thread on Look Again and see TVFan’s review on PTR.

A promo for the next episode, The Runaway Bunny, has been added to the Gallery.

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promo_002Not really sure what Delight magazine is but it appears to be some sort of online magazine.  Anyway, in their January 2010 edition there is an interview with someone rather lovely.  Wanna take a guess at who?  I’ll give you a clue: this website!

Yes, they have brief interview with Kathryn covering various aspects of her personal and professional life.  Sadly all the photos used are old, such as the Cold Case season 4 promo as seen above they use on the cover.

Images of the cover and the 3 pages inside have been added to the Gallery.  I’ve also included the text from the interview after the jump.  You can read the magazine online and/or download a PDF copy from the Delight magazine website.

The mention of the Kathryn’s little cheerleader appearance on Ellen back in March of 2006 in the article has reminded me that I needed to add video of it to the Gallery.  So I have.  Amazing :-)

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I Choose… You Know Who – Update x5

peoples_choice_awards_008It may be freezing across the UK but Kathryn managed to makes sure things were hot in LA last night.  And long may it continue… the gorgeousness that is.  Not the snow in England, which is getting a bit tedious.

Yesterday (6 January 2010) saw Kathryn attending the People’s Choice Awards 2010, and she looked amazing, of course!

Turns out that Kathryn did more than just attend, she co-presented two awards with Heroes star Greg Grunberg.

10 HQ and a couple of smaller images can now be found in the Gallery.  Hopefully they’ll be more.

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Thanks to Ludo for the HQ pics.

Update: A video of Kathryn and Greg presenting two awards has been added.

Update 2: HQ on stage photo added to the Gallery.  Thanks to isa.

Update 3: I’ve added a load of HD (720p) screencaps from the show.  Kathryn briefly appeared in a few shots other than the presentation, you’ll have to play “Where’s Wally/Waldo” a bit to find her though  :-)

Update 4: 28 more HQ images have been added.  24 in the arrivals and 4 in the on stage set.

Update 5: The dress is by Pamella Roland.

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