We are still very much in the realm of rumours here but this is further evidence of Kathryn’s long-standing involvement with the movie Mother’s Little Helpers. Whether she is still involved or not we just don’t know at this time, but it seems likely.
The latest piece in the puzzle is a set of photos taken last November of Kathryn taking part in some sort of costume test. It’s almost unbelievable that these have been around for over two months and have only just been found. Where they were taken is not known. It looks like someone’s house, possibly even Kathryn’s. It’s certainly not on the set of the movie.
If that is Kathryn’s house then that could be… dare I even think it, let alone type it… Kathryn’s… bed… 😯
That’s some pretty interesting outfits Kathryn is wearing. She doesn’t look too happy in some of the photos but I’m sure that when it comes to “action” time she’ll look amazing.
17 large, though not great quality, photos can be found in the Gallery.
Filming is due to start tomorrow, 25th of January, according to the information previously found. With Cold Case season 7 still very much in production we’ll have to wait and see if and when Kathryn will be called up.
If you have any further information relating to this movie please do let us know, either in a comment or via the Contact form.

Thanks to lillyscotty and madmax for passing the photos along.
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