Three small stills from the upcoming Cold Case episode One Fall had been added to the Gallery.
Can you work out or guess what the above image is from? Yes, that is Kathryn in the middle of image. I am only going to post that one image. There is no link to a larger version. There will be no clues. You can try bribery if you want. I’m not going to claim it won’t work. I think you all know what I want 😉 Please post your ideas in the comments. Take as many goes as you like. I will only post a comment to declare a winner. The answer will be posted next week. Good luck
I think we can allow some spoiler discussion in the comments so don’t go any further if you’d rather not know anything. 199 HD (720p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery. TVFan has posted her review over at Pass The Remote. Update: Episode 14, Metamorphosis, promo video added to the Gallery. The latest Tweet from Asher Levin, posted yesterday (Sunday) morning:
That must have been sent early in the day because a later one from Sarah Hyland suggests that filming one scene got delayed until today:
So that’s that for the filming process. Now they go into post and the build up to the release, currently planned for December. Hopefully they’ll be more info soon. KM UK will certainly be keeping an eye out for news and reporting on any found. Update: Additional Tweet from Asher Levin confirming that today is the last day of filming.
Update 2: Another Tweet from Asher Levin.
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