
September 2024
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MLH – The Parties Are Over – Update x2

The latest Tweet from Asher Levin, posted yesterday (Sunday) morning:

asherlevin: @mlhmovie thanks for the great memories @DENISE_RICHARDS @Ryan_Pinkston @Sarah_Hyland @C_MurphyHOF and all non twitterbugs.I love you all. – Link

That must have been sent early in the day because a later one from Sarah Hyland suggests that filming one scene got delayed until today:

Sarah_Hyland: Martini shot. Then home!!! Last scene pushed till tmrw. No awkward scene on vday anymore!! – Link

So that’s that for the filming process.  Now they go into post and the build up to the release, currently planned for December.  Hopefully they’ll be more info soon.  KM UK will certainly be keeping an eye out for news and reporting on any found.

Update: Additional Tweet from Asher Levin confirming that today is the last day of filming.

asherlevin: Last day and we’re off to the races. Watch out world, once this puppy gets into the editing room there’s no turning back! – Link

Update 2: Another Tweet from Asher Levin.

asherlevin: Just like that is was over! See you at the wrap kyle, kathryn, ryan, sarah, denise, jim, bex, chris, cary, cat, rome and our amazing crew! – Link

Be My Valentine


To Kathryn

With great affection

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Kathryn & Denise On The Set Of MLH

onset_20100213_001We’ll forgive the blurriness of the photo.  How steady would your hand be in that situation?

Thank you to Denise Richards for posting this image via her Twitter feed.  And thanks to Tianna for prompting Denise to take the photo.

Image added to the Gallery.

Mother’s Little Helpers – Hot Hot Hot

costume_tests_018The most recent Twitter message from Mother’s Little Helpers writer/director Asher Levin gives us little hope for much more Kathryn related stuff until nearer the film’s release.  More’s the pity.

asherlevin: Homestretch with the youngstaz today. Vlogs will start again when we get into post. Thanks for following all. Viral invasion begins soon. – Link

If that’s the case then we’d better make the most of the latest costume test image that’s surfaced.  And there’s a lot to make of it that’s for sure  😉

It looks like they’ve taken the best bits (the sparkly dress they liked and the legs) from all the previous outfits and combined them into one.  Plus, they’ve thrown in some bare shoulders and cleavage for (very) good measure  😉

1 new image added to the Gallery.

It’s going to be a long Spring, Summer and Autumn…

Cold Case S07E13 – Bombers Promo Video

Cold_Case_S07E13_lilly_027Just a quick post.

I’ve added a promo video for the next Cold Case episode, Bombers, to the Gallery.  The video also mentions the fact that it is the first of a run of 7 episodes.  I think some of the clips are from other future episodes.  There are some pretty big spoilers involved so watch it with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  You might want to avoid the comments below as well, just in case.

Karenthaynara has posted a copy on YouTube here for those that might find that easier.

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