
March 2025
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Cold Case S02E17 – Schadenfreude Promo Updates


No update last week because there were no images on hand to post about.  That may have been bit painful you, which was oddly fun for me…

Schadenfreude.  Episode 17 of Cold Case season 2 was broadcast 15 years ago today (20th March).  A 1982 case is re-opened by the squad after the rare ring worn by a murder victim is found on a more recently deceased body.  The first victim’s husband was jailed for the crime.  Did he do it?

The show comes to a head, appropriately enough, in a hair salon has Lilly gets her man, a woman.

8 new quality promo photos feature Kathryn, and in an unusually large number of them so does Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC), are now in the KM UK Gallery.  That’s the 4 you see around this post and… you guessed it, 4 more.

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Cold Case S02E15 – Wishing Promo Updates


But it’s Friday!  These updates have been on a Thursday, despite the show being aired on a Sunday!

With these ’15 years later’ posts following the calendar date of the original broadcast, the days have fallen on a Thursday so far for this season.  The recent extended leap year February has pushed things back a day from now on.

First broadcast on the 6th of March 2005, ‘Wishing’ is the one about the young man left on the railway tracks.  It’s not the easiest watch.  Meanwhile, Lilly and Scotty continue to be at odds over her sister Christina.

A bumper crop of 12 (yes twelve!) new large and very large, high quality promo photos from ‘Wishing’ are now in the KM UK Gallery.

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Cold Case Cast Catch-up – February 2020

It’s the longest short month for a few years so let’s hope we can squeeze some leap year February news out of this one.  Welcome to KM UK’s CCCC-up, looking at the continuing careers of the Cold Case cast members (and the occasional special guest) that aren’t Kathryn.

We kick-off this CCCC-up with an all-to unusual look towards Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC).  Jeremy’s in a film.  A film starring Ben Affleck (Argo), Janina Gavankar (The L Word), Hayes MacArthur (Angie Tribeca), and Michaela Watkins (Catastrophe).  It’s a sports movie, basketball to be precise, about an ex-player that was successful and the high school level, who becomes the coach for his old team.  Hilarity ensues.  Actually, probably not, but I’m sure it will be rousing and heart warming, with lots of montages and slow-mo shots.  Jeremy plays ‘Matty’, of no fixed storyline.  Unlike many of these posts where the film is due at {insert far away date here} this film is out in many parts of the world next week (early March 2020).  The UK has to wait until late April though.  Oh, yes, the name.  The film is called Finding The Way Back (or maybe The Way Back in some places).  You can watch a trailer HERE on YouTube.

And now we return you to our regularly scheduled programming of Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC) news.  Two weeks ago, Tracie did a guest spot on the NBC drama series Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector.  Not one I’d heard of.  It’s a short series with a single story line across the season.  A serial killer re-emerges and our retired hero joins forces with a young cop to track him down.  Hilarity ensues.  Actually, definitely not.  Tracie donned an FBI jacket as Agent Cutter, in what was the 5th episode of the 10 part run.

Previosly mentioned in the August ’19 CCCC-up was the rom-com movie Straight Up.  We first talked about it in October 2018.  In June of last year it had a festival première but did not have a release date other than a vague ‘spring 2020’.  Spring has sprung, for this film at least, as it was out in ‘select theatres’ yesterday (28th Feb).  The film is about a couple of very close friends.  A him and a her.  The twist?  Him is gay.  Maybe.  Hilarity ensues.  In this case you hope for some com with that rom.  Tracie guests as Dr Larson.  Trailer HERE.

According to the latest new John Finn (John Stillman in CC) is set reappear as Earl Sutton in an upcoming episode of The Walking Dead.  It’s episode 12 of the current 10th season, entitled ‘Walk With Us’, and it is due to air on the 15th of March.

To end this CCCC-up we will return to one of those occasional special guests.  Recently Veena Sud (The Killing) hasn’t been so occasional though.  The launch of shortform, mobile-focussed, streaming platform Quibi and Veena making a 10 episode drama series for it, has put her in our cross-hairs a few times in recent months.  During one of those ad breaks during the Super Bowl, which get more attention world wide than the sport they interrupt, a very short trailer for Quibi was broadcast.  It has racked up over 24 million hits on YouTube since then.  A trailer for Veena’s The Stranger has only been available for two weeks and has gone over 6 million.  Watch it HERE.  Veena will also be on the jury at the Series Mania industry event in France in March.

Cold Case S02E14 – Revolution Promo Updates


The snowy conditions have thawed to rain for the Cold Case squad, but Lilly’s sister’s presence continues to keep things frosty between her and Scotty.  And then there’s ‘that dinner date’.

1969.  A young woman’s body is found in an apartment.  Her boyfriend is on his way to Canada to avoid the draft for Vietnam.  One man’s conscientious objector is another’s deserter.  Either way he’s the prime suspect.  On the 20th February 2005, Cold Case episode 14 from season two was first shown.  It was a Revolution.

Meanwhile, Christina and Lilly meet for dinner to discuss things.  It does not go well.  The less said about it the better.  And not just the dress!

The four new photos you see around this post have now been added to the KM UK Gallery.

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Be My Valentine


To Kathryn, with endless adoration

Happy Valentine’s Day

Kathryn, I know I’ve said this on a few occasions before but may be now is the right time.  Neither of us are getting any younger, except you of course (don’t tell me, 21?), and all though things would be complicated, life is complicated.

So, how about it?  Be my Valentine in 2020.

Thanks again to Kareen T for the banner you see above, done by her especially for KM UK a few years ago.  Lots more fan-created art works can be found in the KM UK Gallery.

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