
March 2025
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Look On The Bright Side – The Sun Rises Again

celebrity_tee_001It appears that the Sun Safety Alliance (SSA) backed campaign to promote UV protection awareness is back on for 2010.

We first heard about this last year (here and here).  Kathryn, along with Desperate Housewives actress Andrea Bowen, was to be a spokesperson for the campaign and would endorse a t-shirt line.  Kathryn even did a photoshoot for the t-shirts.  Things seemed to get delayed and as we got further into the summer it all went very quiet.  I guess there’s little point launching such a campaign late in the summer.

The Ayana Apparel online store now has a Kathryn Morris endorsed t-shirt available for purchase.  The illustrative photo, seen on the right, from the website can now be found in the Gallery.  That’s a lovely photo, t-shirt or no t-shirt  :-)

I have requested more information on this and will post updates with anything I find out.

Cold Case Season 8? – Update


It has finally been announced, though not quite officially by CBS, that Cold Case will not be renewed for another season.  Unfortunately it comes as no great shock, but that doesn’t make it any less disappointing to hear.

Jonathan Littman, an executive producer on many Bruckheimer shows, sent this Tweet earlier:

Rainy day brings gloomy news with COLD CASE and MIAMI MEDICAL not being renewed. A great run on one and a way too short run on the other. – Link

With CBS picking up 4 new drama series yesterday (Hawaii 5-0, Defenders, Blue Bloods and a Criminal Minds spin-off) something had to go to make room.

Let me reiterate what I said in my earlier piece about Cold Case past, present and future:  Thank you to all involved in making 7 seasons of a great show.  Best wishes for the future to everyone.

Update: Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera on Cold Case) has posted a comment on IMDb thanking all the fans for watching these past 7 seasons.  You can read it here.

Update 2: CBS have announced their fall schedule.  Cold Case is not on it.  See here and here.

1 Year Young

Yes, it’s a picture from that event again.  Which means we must have something to celebrate.  The tenuous link to “100” this time is we’ve reached 100% of 1 year.

Yes, KM UK is one today (18 May 2010).

Nearly 180 posts.  More than 1400 comments.  An ever growing gallery with hundreds of comments.  Not to shabby from nothing just 12 months ago.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed in the past 12 months to help make this site what it is.

It’s a shame that this day may be tinged with some sadness.  But let’s look forward to what the next 12 months has to offer.

1 Dress For Sale: Slightly Worn – Update x2

buzz_girls_timeless_style_fashion_show_001Remember the green dress Kathryn wore at the The Buzz Girls Timeless Style Fashion Show event?  Of course you do.  Well, now you can buy it.  We are talking about the actual dress that Kathryn wore on the catwalk, as seen in photos previously posted here in the Gallery

The Trésor de Vintage emerald green, 1950s party dress is up for auction with 50% of the proceeds going to The Joyful Heart Foundation.  You can find the sale here on eBay.  Place your bids now!

Whilst on this subject I’ve added a set of screencaps and a small “Maximum Morris” video from a TV Guide video of the event to the Gallery. Thanks to mhhope for posting the video.

Update: The original auction closed and it has been re-listed starting at the lower price of $200 (US), here.

Update 2: The second auction closed last week and the dress has been re-listed yet again at the same $200 price.  See here.

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Providence – The Third Thing

Providence_S02E01_076My intention was to write a longer piece about this, as I did for the two Xena episodes (see part 1 & part 2) but there really isn’t much to describe here.  That is not to say this is a insignificant role, just a simple one to lay out.

This is Kathryn very much in her “guest starring” period.  Between leaving Pensacola: Wings Of Gold and being propelled into the big time by Minority Report Kathryn amassed quite a collection of acting credits.  From almost throw-away roles, literally in the case of her scenes deleted from The Last Castle, to movie carrying tour de forces, she did them all.  Working with so many different casts and crews must have been a given her a solid grounding in the “business that is show.”

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