
September 2024
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1 Dress For Sale: Slightly Worn – Update x2

buzz_girls_timeless_style_fashion_show_001Remember the green dress Kathryn wore at the The Buzz Girls Timeless Style Fashion Show event?  Of course you do.  Well, now you can buy it.  We are talking about the actual dress that Kathryn wore on the catwalk, as seen in photos previously posted here in the Gallery

The Trésor de Vintage emerald green, 1950s party dress is up for auction with 50% of the proceeds going to The Joyful Heart Foundation.  You can find the sale here on eBay.  Place your bids now!

Whilst on this subject I’ve added a set of screencaps and a small “Maximum Morris” video from a TV Guide video of the event to the Gallery. Thanks to mhhope for posting the video.

Update: The original auction closed and it has been re-listed starting at the lower price of $200 (US), here.

Update 2: The second auction closed last week and the dress has been re-listed yet again at the same $200 price.  See here.

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Providence – The Third Thing

Providence_S02E01_076My intention was to write a longer piece about this, as I did for the two Xena episodes (see part 1 & part 2) but there really isn’t much to describe here.  That is not to say this is a insignificant role, just a simple one to lay out.

This is Kathryn very much in her “guest starring” period.  Between leaving Pensacola: Wings Of Gold and being propelled into the big time by Minority Report Kathryn amassed quite a collection of acting credits.  From almost throw-away roles, literally in the case of her scenes deleted from The Last Castle, to movie carrying tour de forces, she did them all.  Working with so many different casts and crews must have been a given her a solid grounding in the “business that is show.”

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Monte Carlo Or Bust?

tv_festival_007Can’t I have both? 😉

It has been announced that Kathryn will be attending the Monte Carlo Television Festival, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.   The event is happening from the 6th to the 10th of June 2010.  An article on lists Kathryn amongst names added to the roster of stars scheduled to appear.

In interviews Kathryn did the last time she was at the TV Festival (in 2007) she was talking about the Cold Case season prior to the one that had just finished airing in the US.  I don’t know where French TV is in the series now, maybe there to promote seasons 6 or 7.  Perhaps some of our French friends can enlighten us.  Of course this will happen be after we have learnt about the fate of Cold Case season 8, which we should discover within the next week.

On The Bonnie Hunt Show recently Kathryn said she was planning a holiday in France Tuscany with her best friend.  Which puts her just along the coast from Monaco.  I wonder if this follows that.

A quick Google translation of the article is after the jump.

Thanks to Karen for the heads-up.

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Cold Case Season 1 Promo Photos

promo_004Another post from the “not new, but new to the Gallery” collection.

This great set are from a promotional photoshoot for the very first season of Cold Case.

You can find 6 HQ images in the Gallery.

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Cold Case – Past, Present & Future

Now the dust has settled on the season 7 finalé I thought I would put a few thoughts down on the more general subject of Cold Case, seeing as we’ve possibly just witnessed its ending.  I don’t normally comment much on each episode but these two latest episodes were so significant it warranted something extra.  As you can see it got me in a contemplative and slightly rambling mood.  Sorry about that :-)

Feel free to comment.

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