
March 2025
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Self Illustrating


Just thought I’d throw this out there to help with all the isolating (self- or otherwise) and lockdowns that are happening around the world at the moment.  It is a difficult time for a lot of people.

What about filling some of your spare time, or keep the kids busy for a while, with some fan art creation?

The KM UK Gallery has thousands of event photos, promo photos, posters and screencaps available to you for use in your own compositions.  Obviously Kathryn is the main focus but Cold Case in general features a huge amount.  I hear that rainbows are being used a lot of add colour to our lives.  If you need any help finding something then please contact me and I will do what I can.

In the years I’ve been running this site I’ve learnt that many of you are very talented artists.  We’ve showcased many pieces of work generously donated by you in the Fan Art section of the Gallery.  There are well over 700 items there already.  Wallpapers, banners, avatars, drawings, and even videos feature.  The lovely banner above by Kareen T is a randomly selected example to illustrate this post.

Of course, if you do create something it would be great to share them with the world on our little corner of the Internet.

Cold Case S02E19 – Strange Fruit Promo Updates

s02e19_still_003 <<<<<< 2m >>>>>> s02e19_still_001

Come on people!  You know the drill:  2 metres apart!

1963.  Remember then.  My guess is that most of you reading this (and the one writing it I hasten to add!) don’t.  Well, Will Jeffries (Thom Barry) in Cold Case does.  It was the year of his first murder… case.  He didn’t commit it!  As a young boy he found a body.  Can Lilly and the squad solve the case after all this time?  I think we all know the answer to that one.

15 years ago today (3rd April) the Cold Case episode ‘Strange Fruit’ aired for the first time in America.  To mark the occasion, as part of KM UK’s fifteen years later series, we have three new promo photos from the show to bring to you.  Find them all in Gallery.


Cold Case Cast Catch-up – March 2020

tracie_thoms_001_430x180Things around the world are challenging at the moment for everyone.  The situation has already caused the pretty much complete shutdown of Hollywood so TV and film production has ceased.  This will inevitably impact future KM UK CCCC-ups covering the careers of the other Cold Case cast.  So, we will make the most of them when we can.

After last month’s change of pace, starting with one of our less regular customers (Jeremy Ratchford) we’re back to normal service with Tracie Thoms (Kat Miller in CC).  In February we mentioned Tracie guest starring in a show I knew nothing about: Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The Bone Collector.  Turns out Tracie donned the FBI badge again in mid-March, reprising her role as Agent Cutter.  I’m confident that Tracie won’t be back again on the show soon, because that second episode was the first of a double that night to mark the end of the season.

News of a guest role like would often be enough for one month, but that’s not the way that Tracie operates.  Oh, no.  Another show I was not aware of is Station 19.  It has been around for a couple of years and is a spin-off from the hospital drama Grey’s Anatomy, this time set in a fire station.  Jaina Lee Ortiz (Rosewood), Jason George (Grey’s Anatomy), and Miguel Sandoval (Medium) are amongst the stars.  Tracie appeared in the 10th episode of season 3, that aired last Thursday (26th March) on the ABC network.  By the look of it this was not the normal brief appearance.  Tracie was a significant role that meant Tracie was on screen for much of the duration.  She played a psychologist (Dr. Diane Lewis) that came in to talk to the crew after a series of traumatic events.

One thing we would never say to Tracie is “curb your enthusiasm.”  She might say it to us as at the beginning of March she guest starred in an episode of the long running comedy show Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Tracie worked under the moniker of Female Traveller.

And, we’re not finished with Tracie yet.  A few times in recent CCCC-ups we’ve talked about the movie Straight Up.  It came out in the US at the very end of February, but Tracie was doing some publicity into March.  On the 6th she showed up on the KTLA 5 station Morning News show.  You can watch her interview on YouTube HERE.

John Finn (John Stillman in CC) saw is time on the The Walking Dead come to an end.  We reported previously John being in the upcoming 12th episode on the 15th of March.  As it turns out he was also on the show the week before.  However, is was number 12 that saw his dramatic demise.  As we saw on Cold Case, John can do noble characters very well, must be why we often see him in uniform.  In this case whilst helping to protect a group of children John’s Earl character was attacked by some of the titular creatures and did his best to make sure he didn’t harm the children in his altered state.

danny_pino_instagram_001_20200306We don’t have any specific updates to report on new works by Danny Pino (Scotty Valens in CC), Jeremy Ratchford (Nick Vera in CC), or Thom Barry (Will Jeffries in CC).

What we do have is a 3-for-1 deal photograph.  Early this month Danny ran into two of his old Cold Case colleagues and posted a picture of them together.  You can see the image in its original setting on Danny’s Instagram HERE (a copy is in the KM UK Gallery too).  I guess Danny didn’t have time to grow a grey beard.  Typical :-)

Cold Case S02E18 – Ravaged Promo Updates


Just the two new promo photos for this episode Cold Case, which first aired on the 27th of March 2005.  Yep that’s a whole 15 years ago today.

Outside of the scene with Lilly talking to our chief suspect in a bar, during which we see some clues about Lilly’s own history with alcohol, I don’t remember this episode very well.  I was surprised to read that ‘Ravaged’ was the name of a dog owned by one of the characters.  Feels like I missed that part completely.

The case involved the death of a young woman found covered by a layer of snow just 10 years previously.  That is quite a short time to have elapsed compared to many they re-investigate.  It did mean that, for once, the same actors could be used for both time periods.

As there are only two photos to share with you all are shown in this post.  However, you need to see the full sized version in the KM UK Gallery as they are very big and high quality.

It is good to see that Lilly and Scotty are taking the current very odd situation the world finds itself seriously and keeping some distance from each other.  To be fair the wedge that Christina drove between them was pretty big.


Cold Case Japan Gets Season 3

Cold_Case_Japan_Promo_photo_1600x1190The WOWOW TV network in Japan has announced that their version of Cold Case has been renewed for a third season.  It is expected, no doubt subject change in the difficult current global situation, to air towards the end of the year.

10 new episodes will be made.  Each of the previous two seasons also had the same amount too. This means that by the end of this new set it will only a handful more episodes that the first season of the original US show.

The Japanese cast is retained, with Yo Yoshida reprising the role of Yuri Ishikawa, their lead female detective like Lilly.

The WOWOW network website HERE has details on their Cold Case.

According to Variety’s article on this news, the localised version of Cold Case started a trend in the country for other America TV shows to be remade like this by other networks.  Suits and The Good Wife and 24 are mentioned as example.

If you know of a localised version of Cold Case in your part of the world then please do let me know.

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