
January 2025
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Annual HD Update – 2005 (Part 2)

Here’s the second part of our Summer Of HD updates covering Kathryn’s 2005 public appearances.

The three events here really span the whole gamut of outfits.  Simple jeans to full-on fairy princess dress.  From the sublime to the sublimer, or perhaps that should be the sublimer to the sublime :-)

More than 20… OK 21 :-)  photos have been upgraded to large sized versions in the following Gallery albums:

I don’t think we get to see Kathryn in the likes of the CDGA dress again until last year’s Creative Arts Emmy Awards 😉  But, as the other two sets prove there is almost nothing that beats the classic jeans and t-shirt combo.  Though I’m not sure Kathryn has got the jeans on the right way around in the “Idol” finale shots.  Unless that peculiar buttoned flap is supposed to be at the front…

cdga_03 km_AIS4Finale02 KM_2005CBSTCA08

Moneyball Confirmation

No question mark on the subject line this time.

It looks like we have a sighting of Kathryn not only near the production of Moneyball, as suggested previously, but actually involved in filming.  Great news!

This morning Twitter user Big Rimmed Glasses posted the following message:

had a great time at #moneyball set today!! brad, jonah, PSH, katheryn, angelina, and chris!!! AHH SO MANY AWESOMNESS! – Link

I replied hoping to confirm that that was indeed a typo (I think we’ll forgive it) and that they were referring to our Kathryn.  BRG kindly responded with:

@KM_UK yea she was on set yesterday. she had a small scene filmed yesterday from what i could see. – Link

Big thanks to BRG for the information.

Annual HD Update – 2005 (Part 1)

2005 was quite a busy year for Kathryn on the public appearance front and as we’ve got quite a few images to update from them (as part of KM UK’s Summer Of HD posts) we’ve split this year into two.  The second part will be posted later in the week.

First we have a couple of shots from the TCA Winter Press Tour for the shoe enthusiasts amongst you.  Or perhaps that should be “foot fetishists”.  Personally I’m tend to focus a few feet higher (see what I did there? :-) ) but I’m happy to make an exception in this case.

Next up we have 15 larger images from the première of the movie The Wedding Date, starring Will & Grace actress Debra Messing and Dermot Mulroney.  Only the two photos, the 1st and 11th of the set are as before.


tca_winter_press_tour_01 wedding_date_06 wedding_date_10

Moneyball Confirmation?

Just spotted a Twitter message from user TheAggregator (Matthew Nelson).

Hunh.. the very nice lady I gave directions to last night on the set was Kathryn Morris #moneyball Shrug

This could very well be confirmation of Kathryn’s involvement in the movie Moneyball that we’ve been looking for.  Moneyball, based on the book of the same name by Michael Lewis, stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland As baseball team.  Matthew has been on set during filming of baseball game scenes at the Oakland Coliseum.

Thanks to Matthew for the info.

Wanted: Banners & Badges

Sorry, I’m on the scrounge for artistic talent again!  And I just know you’ve got loads to spare.

I would like a few banners and buttons to be used as links to KMUK on other sites.  My abilities in this department have been proven to be lacking far too often for me to consider attempting such a thing myself.  So I wondering if you kind people would help?

Obviously the images would need to include something relating to Kathryn and the name of the site.  The “UK” thing, and the “look & feel” of this site might be worth considering as motifs.  The Gallery is full of potential source material.

There seem to be some common standards used for these things.  Banners of between 500px and 700px wide.  Buttons at around 100px wide.  An example of a button that I have already is one that TVFan kindly created for use on Pass The Remote (shown on the right) which is 100x40px.

All submissions will be showcased in the forthcoming Fan Art section of the Gallery.

Please contact me via a comment below, email or the Contact form if you wish to help

Thank you.

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