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(Mrs) Beane Dumped For The Game?

It’s another tabloid story told in a very tabloid way.  Some how they’ve taken a part of a movie and made it about an actor’s personal life because he is with another very famous actress.  As sad/pathetic/silly it is you do have to sort of admire it the skill required to twist it around like that.

It does gives some credence to the earlier Star magazine story but let’s not take it too seriously.  How can you when they use the phrase “newcomer” to describe Kathryn?

I’ll let tell it in their own style in this extract: has obtained a copy of the film’s script, and we can tell you that his character, Oakland A’s real-life General Manager Billy Beane, leaves a hot and sexy Hawaiian vacation with his wife, Tara (reportedly to be played by newcomer Kathryn Morris), to organize his team after losing one of their best players, Jason Giambi.

Does this mean Kathryn gets to shoot on location in Hawaii with Brad?

Item quoted in full after the break and can be found HERE on the website.

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Annual HD Update – 2008 (Part 1)

wb_press_junket_13Summer is definitely drawing to an end here in the UK, but at KM UK we are having an Indian Summer with our   Summer Of HD updates continuing.  We’ve got too much to do to stop now!

2008 started with Kathryn going down-under 😉

The writers strike prevented the filming of shows like Cold Case in early 2008 so the actors took the opportunity to promote their shows abroad.  I for one am very glad Kathryn went because it meant we got one of my favourite sets of photos of her: a WB Press Junket in Sydney (see headline image above).  So gorgeous.  I know I say that a lot, but this time I really mean it :-)

Kathryn also went Ugg boot shopping at Peter Sheppard Footwear in Sydney whilst she was there and was kind enough to pose for some fun photos.

We have 19 newly upgraded images across those two albums.

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Danny In Burn Notice Screencaps

This falls a little outside the normal scope of this site, despite Danny appearing in over 3000 images in the KM UK Gallery :-) , but I thought some of you might be interested.

I’ve put together a collection of 101 HD (720p) screencaps of Danny Pino’s recent appearance on the TV show Burn Notice.  You may have seen some of these images elsewhere but this is the full set, without any sort of watermarks or station idents.

You can download an 11MByte Zip file of the images via MediaFire HERE.

Danny is due to reprise his role in the next episode, but it won’t be broadcast until November.  I will try and remember to create a similar set of screencaps from that episode.  Please remind me if I forget.

AXN Cold Case S4 Interview

wowow_cast_interview_kmOnce again I find myself humbled by the generosity of visitors to my little site.  Whether it be information, news, pictures, videos or just a quick comment, this site would be so much less without your contributions.

A wonderful example of this is Nobu, on other side of the world from me, very kindly sending me a copy of this video being broadcast in Japan at the moment.  The video is a brief interview with Kathryn to promote the broadcasting of CC season 4 due to start next week on the AXN cable channel in Japan.  Nobu informs me that the WOWOW satellite channel in Japan is currently showing season 6.

The video is very much the Kathryn we know and adore, very funny and cute, talking about Lilly and her (lack of) love life.

In the Gallery you will now find slightly shrunk in size but full-length version of the interview and a set of full-sized screencaps.

One thing that is not clear is when the interview took actually place.  Nobu thinks the interview is likely to have been recorded in 2008 when WOWOW broadcast season 4, which makes sense.  If you have any thoughts or information on that please do let us know in the comments.

Uncountable thank yous to Nobu.

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Vote Lilly – The Fairest Of Them All

Just a quick post for a bit of fun.

Gaelick, an Irish website by/for “lesbians, bisexual, gay and transgender ladies”, is running a poll about female cops on TV.  Kathryn is, of course amongst them.  They want to know who we think is the favourite.  I think we all know the correct answer to that :-)

At time of the writing Lilly is winning.  Let’s keep it that way :-)

Go HERE and vote.  NOW!

There is something about that website name…

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