It’s another tabloid story told in a very tabloid way. Some how they’ve taken a part of a movie and made it about an actor’s personal life because he is with another very famous actress. As sad/pathetic/silly it is you do have to sort of admire it the skill required to twist it around like that.
It does gives some credence to the earlier Star magazine story but let’s not take it too seriously. How can you when they use the phrase “newcomer” to describe Kathryn?
I’ll let tell it in their own style in this extract: has obtained a copy of the film’s script, and we can tell you that his character, Oakland A’s real-life General Manager Billy Beane, leaves a hot and sexy Hawaiian vacation with his wife, Tara (reportedly to be played by newcomer Kathryn Morris), to organize his team after losing one of their best players, Jason Giambi.
Does this mean Kathryn gets to shoot on location in Hawaii with Brad?
Item quoted in full after the break and can be found HERE on the website.
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