
March 2025
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Kathryn In Télé Magazine October 2010 – Update x3

CoverYou’ve got to hand it to the French, they really know how to bring out the best in Kathryn.  As a nation they clearly appreciate the wonderfulness of our favourite lady and know how to show it.

Vive la différence  :-)

After the breathtaking Télé 7 Jours and FHM appearances last year Télé Magazine has stepped up with a great looking photo of Kathryn on the cover of the most recent edition the magazine.

I’ll add more to this piece later but for now we have a small but good quality image of the cover in the Gallery.

Update: Once again the generosity of people that visit this site seems to know no bounds.  The Gallery has been updated with a new, large scan of the front cover and copies of the inside pages.  My thanks go to azerty and niiny for their wonderful assistance.  I will work on posting the text in its original French and a translation into English.  I’ve corrected the little error in my one piece of French above :-)

Update 2: I’ve added a copy of the French text and an English translation below.  Apologies in advance for any errors I’ve made.  Please tell me if you spot a mistake.  The English was done using a combination of Google Translator and some of my own re-writing.  Thanks to Rusher for the extra scans.  It made the text work much easier.

Update 3: I’ve posted enlarged and improved (straightened) images and re-edited the English translation.

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Halloween Fan Art?

Anyone up for creating some Kathryn-related, Halloween-themed fan art?

The idea came up in a recent discussion which had drifted somewhat from its topic :-)

At the time I referred to it as a “competition” but I think “challenge” would probably be more appropriate.  There won’t be any prizes beyond fame, glory and deep sense of pride you’ll get seeing your artistic endeavours displayed in the KM UK Gallery :-)

My aim would be to post all suitable submissions at some point during the week prior to the witching day itself, 31st October.  Let us know you are interested in a comment below and email me directly or use the contact form to arrange sending me your work.

Cold Case S07E14 – Metamorphosis Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_123More of the biggest and best Lilly screencaps around, brought to you exclusively by KM UK.

181 Full HD (1080p) sized images from Metamorphosis can now be found in the Gallery.  Lilly & Scotty reach an understanding.

The coming set of CC screencap upgrades are well worth seeing.  Look for those next week.

Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_047 Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_113 Cold_Case_S07E14_lilly_154

2000th Comment Posted!

We’ve just had our 2000th comment posted on KM UK.  It was by TRB and you can find it HERE.

This site has been running for less than 18 months.  There have been nearly 240 articles posted.  Visitor numbers are on the increase.  And now we have our 2000th comment.  Quite an achievement all round.

Thank you to all of you for your help and contributions, you make this site what it is.


Silly Season – National Enquirer

national_enquirer_001Following up from the previous follow up step forward The National Enquirer with its own variation on this tabloid theme.  You can now find a scan of their take on the Brangelina/Kathryn tug-of-love nonsense in the Gallery.  The full text of the story can be found below.

Big thanks again to magazine girl Sammie for her help.
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