
March 2025
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Jack Goes Boating, Sept 2010 – Return Journey

jack_goes_boating_premiere_005Today we have another quick update to photos from last year.

All 9 of the smaller images from Kathryn’s appearance at the previously posted Jack Goes Boating premiere of last September have been upgraded to larger sizes.  Plus, there is one new photo, albeit of rather poor quality.

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Not So Golden Globes – Maybe Next Year

To quote J. R. R. Tolkien, himself misquoting Shakespeare, “All that is gold does not glitter.”

Sadly, Kathryn was not the glister amongst the many stars of screens both small and silver at the Golden Globe Awards last night.  Has Kathryn ever attended the event beyond those slightly tacky gift lounge things?

However, things could be very different next year.  Moneyball will be out by then.

The Social Network has garnered a lot of awards and award nominations and Kathryn’s representative/assistant (I dunno) said himself that Moneyball is due out in “The Social Network slot.”

As 2010 ended, 2011 started with various movie websites publishing their “ones to watch in the coming year” lists.  Moneyball featured strongly in many of them.  The presence of a certain William Bradley Pitt will inevitably lead to a global awareness of the film that it might otherwise struggle to achieve.  Despite being so far off the baseball movie is even being mentioned for awards success, or at least nominations.  The September release is seen as a key part of that.

Could Kathryn be in line for a nomination or two this time next year?  Who knows, at this stage we know so little about the nature of her role beyond playing Billy Beane’s (Brad Pitt) second wife it would be pure speculation.  Either way the release of the film will raise her international profile, which can only lead to more job offers.  I’m sure that everyone at KM UK wishes her well with this new phase of her career.

I’ve posted links to a few of those “ones to watch” lists after the jump.

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Heroes Picnic, June 2010 – Back For Seconds – Update

A quick update to end the week.

I’ve added 4 more photos to the Gallery from the A Time For Hereos Celebrity Picnic that we covered back in June of last year.  They are only medium sized but obviously the content goes along way towards making up for that :-)

Update: The 4 new images have been replaced with slightly larger versions.

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Birthday Fan Art + Video Project

We are rapidly approaching the special day of a certain special lady.  Yes, Kathryn’s birthday is just a few weeks away (28 Jan).  Wouldn’t it be great to celebrate the event with some new birthday themed fan art to go with our best wishes?

You can contact me directly by email or via the contact form for any submissions.  There will be a posting here on the day itself using one of the images as a banner for anyone to post happy birthday messages for Kathryn.

Karen's Birthday Project imageNow on to a request from a regular contributor to KM UK.  Karen (@Kareen_T) s working on a related project and has asked if the readers of KM UK readers would be willing to help.  We’d be honoured Karen.

Karen is working on a video to celebrate Kathryn’s birthday and would like photos to include in it.  She has created a lovely image giving all the details.  You can see it on the right.  Click to view it in full.  I have included a copy of the text below.

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Tracie In Human Target Screencaps – Update

I know that many of you are fans of Kathryn’s co-stars from Cold Case.  Tracie Thoms, who played Kat Miller in CC, is multi-talented and has returned to stage performing since Cold Case ended, not that she really left it.  However, she recently re-appeared on the small screen, taking a guest star role in the TV show Human Target.  Tracie played the ex-wife of a main character, which does leave scope for her returning.

I practically broke the news of her getting the job to Tracie herself after posting about the news on Twitter a few months back.  She hadn’t even had a chance to tell anyone else about it!  Sorry Tracie :-)

I’ve done this for fans of Danny Pino by posting screencaps of him in Burn Notice (here and here) so I thought I’d do the same for Tracie fans.  Feel free to pass on details of this post onto any Tracie fansites etc. you think might appreciate them.  You can download a small zip of 49 HD (720p) watermark-less screencaps HERE.

Another recent Tweet by the lady herself suggests that she has taken on another TV role in an episode of Harry’s Law, a new legal drama starring another Kathy: Kathy Bates.  The show is due to debut later this month, but I don’t know yet which episode Tracie is involved in.  From IMDb it also appears that Tracie is involved in several upcoming movies as well.

Update: Tracie has posted a Tweet to say she’s has a recurring role in Harry’s Law and, so far, will be in 3 episodes.

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