And now for something a little different.
In early December last year artist Lynne Schlumpf started a project to create 51 sketches, one for every year she’s “been allowed to be on this earth.” These drawings were to be created solely using applications for the iPhone.
Luckily for us Lynne decided to extend the project to cover a whole year (to become the 365 Days of iPhone Sketches) because on day 54, Thursday the 27th of January, seeing Kathryn on an episode of Cold Case inspired that day’s sketch (as seen on the right and in the Gallery).
“Was watching the show Cold Case and was thinking the woman who plays detective Lilly Rush has a really interesting face. Very pale with very blonde hair and sea blue eyes.” – Lynne
How do you create such images on a phone? Good question, and one I put to Lynne. Autodesk, best known for products like AutoCAD that cost thousands of Pounds/Dollars/Euros etc., have created some sophisticated apps for Apple’s iPhone, iPod touch and iPad range for next to, and including, nothing. Lynne uses their SketchBook Mobile app and is clearly enamoured with it. There is a limited feature free version, SketchBook MobileX, for those that want to try it out. Zen Brush by PSOFT also gets the thumbs up from Lynne.
Lynne has kindly allowed me to add her work to the KM UK Gallery. You’ll find the full-sized version of the sketch in the Drawings area of the Fan Art gallery along with a couple more small items Lynne has created (thumbnails below). We may be seeing more of Lynne’s work here in the future.
You can read about Lynne’s 365 Days of iPhone Sketches project and see other images she has created on her blog Art Haunts Me Everywhere.

She’s in there somewhere, honest.
Here’s another in the all too long list of things in the Gallery but I’ve never written about.
This has to be one of the shortest cameos ever. Kathryn’s appearance in the 1997 Jack Nicholson / Helen Hunt odd-ball romcom As Good As It Gets lasts for less than 8 seconds. It’s taken you longer to read this far.
Credited as just “Psychiatric Patient” (along with another woman) Kathryn still manages to squeeze a lot of acting into that brief window of time despite the lack of words, emoting more than any of those around her. That is clearly a troubled young woman waiting to see the psychiatrist.
A tiny collection of screencaps and a video clip are in the Gallery.
The article title is a double entendre by the way 😉
Today’s the day. The 28th of January 2011 is Kathryn’s 42nd birthday.
Kathryn, happy birthday from everyone here at KM UK. Have a wonderful day, we hope it marks the beginning of great year for you. We send our very best wishes. If you happen to read this please let us know.
Dear readers, please feel free to leave your birthday greetings for Kathryn in the comments.
I don’t want to take anything away from Kathryn on this special day but KM UK is celebrating something of an anniversary of its own today: the triple century. Yes, this is the 300th post!
Updated: new banner image by smallbarbie.
Happy Kathryn Day Eve (thanks Gina 😉 )
Ahead of tomorrow’s celebrations we have some appropriately themed fan art for you from some of our artistic readers.
Thanks to regular fan art contributors to KM UK IcyWinter and Kareen_T for the banners and wallpapers. Check them all out in the Fan Art section of the Gallery.
Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for the big day.
If you create Kathryn-related fan art (wallpapers, banners, avatars, buttons or other drawings) and would like to showcase it here on KM UK please contact me.
Update: additional images from IcyWinter and smallbarbie. Thank you both.
Update 2: Kareen_T has passed along images for her planned KM Birthday video project from other Kathryn fans. Thanks to Harllen Jales, Letícia Medeiros dos Santos, Pamella Pereira, Rebeca Felix, Renata Pinheiro and Sérgio Cabral for their efforts. You can find their images in the Fan Art Drawings section of the Gallery.

L.A. Firefighters was a short-lived TV series from 1996. The show followed the lives of, believe it or not, a company of firefighters in the Los Angeles Fire Department. The presence of female fire officers in such a male dominated environment being a key issue they dealt with.
Only the first season’s six episodes ever aired. The real L.A. Firefighters Union were none too pleased at the they way were portrayed and disassociated themselves from the show. A reworking for the second season, including a name change to Fire Co. 132, came to nought and it was never broadcast. The first season has rarely, if ever, been repeated.
Kathryn was in three episodes from that first season playing a woman called Helen Regan. Helen was the wife of one of the crew killed in the line of duty at the end of the pilot episode. In the trio episodes Helen attends the funeral of her husband and spends time with another fireman, Jack, who has decided to look after his departed colleague’s widow and children. She then announces she is leaving for Seattle to live near her brother.
A very small collection of small screencaps has been in the Gallery for some time but I have now added a few more and organised them by episode. Sadly the additions are even smaller and of lower quality than the existing ones, but many thanks to our friends at The Elizabeth Mitchell Fan Club for kindly donating them. Elizabeth, best known now for her role in Lost, starred as the wife of a fireman in L.A. Firefighters.

Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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