
March 2025
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Kathryn Manns Up On Moneyball Set

onset_017_20100927We are less than 4 months away from the release of the movie Moneyball and we are still waiting for any official images or video.  So for now we’ll have to settle for another on set image I’ve found.  It’s not a great quality photo (but it is very large) but that smile always shines through.

Here we see Kathryn with the actor Gregor Manns.  Gregor is credited as a “TSA Employee” in Moneyball, which for the benefit of those that don’t know means he is playing an airport security official.  That ties in with the earlier report of Kathryn’s character, Tara Beane, and her husband Billy being on holiday to Hawaii.

Kathryn’s outfit and hair-do in this new photo match what we saw in the paparazzi shots from last September of  her and Brad on set.

There is still something of a question mark over the extent of Kathryn’s role in Moneyball but hopefully things will become clearer soon.

Mark Anderson 2005 Photoshoot Upgrade

57553_kmorris4It’s very nearly a year since KM UK moved house to a system that could cope with hosting the larger images in all their glory.  This great Mark Anderson photoshoot set (which I believe is from around 2005) is one that I had forgotten was not in the Gallery at full size.  It is now.  The four photos have now been upgraded as part of the KM UK Summer Of HD 2011.

Thanks to Smallbarbie for the reminder about this set.

Speaking of the photographer Mark Anderson, there has been no news on his M: Mermaids Of Hollywood book that was due for release back in March.  It’s been quiet for months.

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Cold Case S04E02 – War At Home Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E01_lilly_001The squad investigate the death of a female war veteran whilst Lilly proves she’s no domestic goddess and not the only thing that’s smoking hot in kitchen 😉  Scotty, mean while, is looking into some unpleasant family matters.

162 exclusive Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

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Fan Art Update – May 2011

wallpaper_091_1366x1024_richard_maissnerThis month’s Fan Art update has the privilege of welcoming another new comer to our midsts.

Alongside KM UK stalwart IcyWinter‘s new Avatars and Banners we have four Wallpapers from Richard Maissner.  As you can see from from the image above Richard does very complex, intricate work.  See all the additions in the Gallery.

Many thanks to IcyWinter and Richard for allowing KM UK to bring their art works to you all.  Hopefully we’ll see more from them both in the future.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and want to showcase it here on KM UK please contact me.

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KM UK Is Two Today!

Happy Birthday to us!  Happy Birthday to us!  Happy Birthday to us!

KM UK reaches the grand old age of 2 today (18 May 2011).

At this time last year we were at approaching 180 articles posted, nearly one every two days.  A couple of months ago it looked like we would not be matching that hit rate in the past year.  The lack of regular Cold Case news was a major factor.  However, all the recent Cougars, Inc. coverage has got us back on track :-)

Now we’re at nearly 380 posts and more than 2600 comments.  Plus, the gallery continues to grow with over 400 registered viewers, more then 45,000 images, hundreds of thousands of hits and many hundreds of comments and ratings.

Thank you to everyone that has contributed in the past 12 months to help make this site such a big success.

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