2nd look or first look? I’m not sure yesterday’s really counts 
Anyway, what we have today from Entertainment Tonight last night (still with me?) is very likely to be the first Moneyball trailer in full, minus a proper voice-over and credits.
No sign of Kathryn. But then again, there is no sign of Robin Wright either or Philip Seymour Hoffman. He only appears briefly and doesn’t even get to say anything. We do see shots from a couple scenes of Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) with his daughter from his first marriage. Kathryn took the role of Beane’s second wife.
Video of the ET piece is now in the Gallery.
Thanks again to JoliePittStop for the high quality video.
Update: As suspected it appears that the video ET played is the trailer. Jen Yamato (a writer for the Movie Line website) sent several Tweets about the trailer. Jen saw the trailer in the cinema earlier in the day and notes it is better without the ET presenters talking over it.
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