
September 2024
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Moneyball Trailer Due This Week?

It is being reported that the first full trailer for the movie Moneyball is complete and could be released this week.

I’m sceptical about Kathryn appearing at all in the final cut of Moneyball after reports from people that have been to preview screenings, but a trailer will give us more clues.  If she is shown in the trailer she should be in the film.  If she’s mentioned in the credits then she’ll likely be in the film.  However, if we don’t see Kathryn or her name that does not necessarily mean she won’t be in the movie, though it does reduce the likelihood.  Fingers crossed.

Moneyball stars Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team.  Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robin Wright co-star in the film adaptation of Michael Lewis’ book of the same name.  Kathryn took on the role of Beane’s second wife.

I’ll post the trailer here as soon as it becomes available.

Read news item by The Film Stage in full HERE.

Cold Case S04E06 – Static Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E06_lilly_088Unencumbered by man issues Lilly throws herself into a new case.  The gang investigate the murder of a popular radio DJ from the 1950s.

106 exclusive Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.  This week we also have the first of our new promo videos for an episode, see the preview for Static in the Gallery.

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Texts From Cold Case Site

A bit of fun for a Friday.

The Tumblr website Texts From Castle takes bizarre mobilephone text messages from the Texts From Last Night and applies them as funny captions to images from the fantastic TV show Castle.

Inspired by this Lolly (aka Gina), funny girl and KM UK regular, has set up a Tumblr site of her own called Texts From Cold Case.  Of course now the text messages are applied as captions to pictures from Cold Case.

I’m sure that if you feel inspired to make a contribution of your own Lolly would be happy to accept submissions.  Contact her via Tumblr.  If you are looking for art work to use then I think you probably already know where to go to find the biggest and best collection of Cold Case images there is… Wait!  Where you going?  I meant here in the KM UK Gallery :-)

A link to the Texts From Cold Case site has been added to the KM Websites list on the right-hand side of this site.

Death Of A Cheerleader

doac_27This is another post that falls into the occasionally used category of “been in the Gallery for ages but never been written about here.”

The original title of this 1994, based on true events, TV movie was A Friend Die For but at some point it was changed to Death Of A Cheerleader, primarily for foreign markets.  In the Gallery it is listed under the latter.

In brief, the story is about new girl to school, Angela, who is desperate to fit in with the clique of “popular” girls.  You know the sort: bitches.  Angela is not one of the cool kids.  Monica (Kathryn) isn’t either.  Chief bitch Stacey (Tori Spelling of 90210 fame) has it in for Monica.  This comes to a head when Angela steps in to defend Monica and ends up stabbing Stacey.

Kathryn is definitely playing against type here as a raven haired, black leather-wearing goth.  Making Kathryn so pale didn’t exactly stretch the make-up budget though :-)  Frankly, she’s just a couple of long, sharp teeth short of being “sparkly” (what ever that means).  Although Kathryn’s role is quite small it is crucial to the story, acting very much the yang to Stacey’s yin, with Angela stuck in the middle not knowing which way to turn.

Kathryn is in 7 scenes.  Is angry in 5 of them.  The subject of bullying/abuse in 5.  And actively chased in one.

33 screencaps are can be found in the Gallery.

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Cold Case S04E05 – Saving Sammy Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E05_lilly_236Sadly there is no update for episode 4, Baby Blues, so we jump to episode 5, Saving Sammy.

Lilly can’t decide between the sensitive man who is also a hunk and the hunk who turns out to be sensitive.  Will it be Joseph?  Will it be Ray?  There’s only one way to find out… FIGHT!

Joseph slips Lilly a hard one in the form of a cold case involving the death of an autistic boy’s family.  He knows the answer but he’s not talking.

239 exclusive Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps can now be found in the Gallery.

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