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Sunday’s Mother – Nearly There

Sunday Marks imageThe pledges for Sunday’s Mother are now just short of  the $3500 mark.

Only $510 and 2 days left to to reach the $4000 required.  Come on, we can help make it happen!

Please spread the word about this project because we need to do all we can to ensure that this latest film starring Kathryn gets made.

You can make pledges on the Sunday’s Mother Kickstarter page.

4th Of July Fan Art?

A suggestion has flooded in from IcyWinter.

I realise that this is very short notice, what with the 4th of July being only a few days away now, but is any one up for creating some starry & stripey fan art featuring our favourite American lady?  That’s Kathryn, in case it isn’t obvious :-)

Perhaps they could involve Kathryn wrapped in the flag… or not 😉  Or more of a red, white and blue theme.

Submitted images will be used to illustrate a post on Monday.

You can email me directly or use the contact form to let me know.

Sunday’s Mother Finds Its Bully

Sunday Marks imageThe last of the main character quartet in Sunday’s Mother has been cast.

Brian Norris takes on the role of Roger the bully.

Remember that Sunday’s Mother needs pledges.  Help spread the word about this project because we need to do all we can to ensure that this latest film starring Kathryn gets made.  At the time of writing the pledges are up to $2655, leaving just… errrr… give me a minute… 4 minus 2… carry the 3… $12.50!  Wait, that can’t be right! 😕   It means that we are only looking for $1345.

You can make pledges on the Sunday’s Mother Kickstarter page.

Fan Art Update – June 2011

wallpaper_107_1024x768_kareen_t“It’s the end of June.  Where’s the fan art update?”  I hear you ask.   Fear not dear reader, for it is here.  Other, more pressing posts have caused this to appear a little later in the month than originally planned.  It couldn’t be any later in fact :-)

After several months absent we have the great pleasure of welcoming back Karen (aka Kareen T) to the Fan Art update for June 2011.  One of her wallpapers can be seen above.

Thanks to Karen, IcyWinter and the returning Richard Maissner we have a batch of fantastic new items including Avatars, Banners, Drawings, and Wallpapers 😉  There are too many to properly cover in this post, you need to visit the Gallery to see them all.  Many thanks to the contributors for allowing KM UK to showcase their skills.

We see such a variety of styles in the art works but there is one common theme: the beauty of Kathryn.  She is clearly a wonderful source of inspiration for artists  😀

More next month.

If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.

avatar_216_100x100_icywinter banner_067_800x300_kareen_t wallpaper_099_1366x1024_richard_maissner

Sunday’s Mother Pledge-A-Thon

Sunday Marks imageWith just one week to go let’s see if we can get the pledges for Sunday’s Mother to the target $4000 should we?

For every user who comments on this post in the next 24 hours (from 1pm BST/12pm GMT on 28th June 2011) KM UK will pledge a further $10, up to a maximum of $1000.  Only one post per person will count, checks will be done.

Please make your own pledge to match, or better, the $10 KM UK will donate on your behalf.

Spread the word about this project because we need to do all we can to ensure that this latest film starring Kathryn gets made.

You can make pledges on the Sunday’s Mother Kickstarter page.

Time’s up.

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