
March 2025
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Cold Case S04E09 – Lonely Hearts Full HD Screencaps

Cold_Case_S04E09_lilly_006Video dating meets Bonnie & Clyde, with a twist.  The case involves the 1989 murder of a woman who thought she’d found her Romeo.  Appropriately his suicide prompts a re-opening of the case

213 new and exclusive Full HD (1080p) Lilly screencaps and a promo video for the episode can now be found in the Gallery.

Cold_Case_S04E09_lilly_049 Cold_Case_S04E09_lilly_067 Cold_Case_S04E09_Preview

Happy 4th Of July

wallpaper_111_2484x2000_smallbarbieSome times dreams do come true  😛

Yet again I find myself humbled by the generosity of KM UK readers.  The time and effort you put in to help me and my little website is amazing.  Kathryn is very lucky to have such wonderful fans.

Thank you to IcyWinter (it was her idea), Smallbarbie (the amazing image above) and Lolly (…hello) for the great new Wallpapers and Banners at such short notice.

Oh yes, and Happy 4th of July to our American cousins, especially Kathryn :-)

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Sunday’s Mother – Nearly There

Sunday Marks imageThe pledges for Sunday’s Mother are now just short of  the $3500 mark.

Only $510 and 2 days left to to reach the $4000 required.  Come on, we can help make it happen!

Please spread the word about this project because we need to do all we can to ensure that this latest film starring Kathryn gets made.

You can make pledges on the Sunday’s Mother Kickstarter page.

4th Of July Fan Art?

A suggestion has flooded in from IcyWinter.

I realise that this is very short notice, what with the 4th of July being only a few days away now, but is any one up for creating some starry & stripey fan art featuring our favourite American lady?  That’s Kathryn, in case it isn’t obvious :-)

Perhaps they could involve Kathryn wrapped in the flag… or not 😉  Or more of a red, white and blue theme.

Submitted images will be used to illustrate a post on Monday.

You can email me directly or use the contact form to let me know.

Sunday’s Mother Finds Its Bully

Sunday Marks imageThe last of the main character quartet in Sunday’s Mother has been cast.

Brian Norris takes on the role of Roger the bully.

Remember that Sunday’s Mother needs pledges.  Help spread the word about this project because we need to do all we can to ensure that this latest film starring Kathryn gets made.  At the time of writing the pledges are up to $2655, leaving just… errrr… give me a minute… 4 minus 2… carry the 3… $12.50!  Wait, that can’t be right! 😕   It means that we are only looking for $1345.

You can make pledges on the Sunday’s Mother Kickstarter page.

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