Karen (aka Kareen T) may have forsaken us for a while but she’s been making up for lost time of late I’d already held back some of her work from last month because there was so much of it. For July’s Fan Art update we have even more from her on top of that. In honour of Karen’s contribution I have used one of her fantastic wallpapers to headline this post.
But is not all about Karen. Lolly and Smallbarbie have been kind enough to send in new images to include in the 33 piece update of Avatars, Banners, and Wallpapers you can now find in the KM UK Gallery. Smallbarbie’s wallpaper raises some interesting questions 😉
Many thanks to everyone.
If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.
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