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EMA Awards, October 2010 Update

arrivals_072 arrivals_006Where are you Kathryn? We miss you.

On Saturday (15th October 2011) there was the 21st running of the Environment Media Association Awards.  After appearing at the event three times in the past four years it seemed like a good bet that Kathryn would attend again.  Sadly, as far as we can tell, that was not the case :-)

In lieu of new photographs we’ll revisit last year’s EMA Awards.

For the 2010 event about environmental issues like climate change, Kathryn raised a more than temperatures and awareness in her “LBD” (in this case “little blue dress”) and glowing tan 😮 Eyebrows! I meant she raised eyebrows 😉

We have 12 new or updated photos from the Arrivals of the 20th Annual Environment Media Association Awards in the Gallery.  5 of the first 6 images are now much increased in size.  There are also 3 new large and 4 new small ones, expanding the total to 77.

Danny In L&O: SVU Debut Screencaps

001A request has flooded in for some screencaps of Danny Pino in his new role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.  How could I possibly refuse? :-)

Danny made his début as Nick Riviera (oops, that’s the dodgy Doctor in The Simpsons :-) ) Detective Nick Amaro in the 2nd episode of season 13 of SVU a couple of weeks ago.  He started off rather hirsute but soon lost the beard, and then it was into familiar procedural territory.

These screencaps are from that episode.  They fall outside the scope of the KM UK Gallery so I’ve made the set of 188 HD 720p (1280×720) screencaps available in a 20MB zip file via MediaFire.

Hopefully the images are good enough, the change of focus may have effected the usual errrr… attention to errrr… detail 😉

I won’t be doing this for every episode but I could be persuaded to do a few more during the season if there is demand.  Let me know.

Silly Season Gets An Annual Update

screenshot_001Apparently silly season has its own version of the Indian Summer.  Who knew?  :-)

You and I know this is a stupid story.  Let’s hope that the people of the National Enquirer really know it as well or there really is no hope for civilisation.

For some reason the US tabloid has decided to dredge up the Kathryn/Brad/Angelina story that was first fabricated last year when the movie Moneyball was filming.  But they are not repeating that nonsense.  No, of course not.  Heaven forbid.

Surprisingly late to the party, as Moneyball has been out several weeks, the Enquirer has spotted that Kathryn’s scenes are not in the movie.  I’ll leave it to them, in their own inimitable style, to try explain that cutting Kathryn’s scenes made sense for the movie.  They are not implying anything at all.  Honest.

The article on the National Enquirer website is not available outside the US so I’ve copied the text below.

Update (13 Oct):  ZimGossip is carrying the story on a more widely available site HERE.  Also, Sophie S. Benvenuti at has written a similar piece to mine about the National Enquirer article.  You can read her take in this “news” HERE.

Continue reading »

CC S7 Finale Tomorrow On Universal UK

The Universal Channel in the UK will be showing the last ever episode of Cold Case tomorrow night (October 11th) at 8pm.

For anyone that has missed it, or any part of it, don’t worry, they will be repeating it all over again starting on Wednesday.

The Universal Channel (the UK Hallmark channel rebranded) is available to Sky satellite and Virgin Media cable subscribers. You can find more details on the Universal Channel website.

Big Thom Was In The Big House

Another of our occasional looks at the careers of Cold Cast cast members besides Kathryn.

Taking a break from his usual roles in law enforcement, Thom Barry has swapped his police badge and/or hat for a white coat and stethoscope.

Thom made a surprise guest appearance as a prison doctor in the new season première of the TV show House this week.  Looks like Gregory House will back at the hospital soon but we will be seeing more of the young female prison doctor in upcoming episodes.  There is no sign of Thom’s role recurring in future episodes.  It was nice to see him on the small screen again.

We’ve already reported on Thom being in the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D film due next year but there maybe other cinema work in the offing.

It is rumoured that Thom will be reprising his character of Agent Bilkins in The Fast And The Furious series of movies.  Thom was in the first two.  Instalments 6 and 7 are said to be filming back-to-back in Europe next year with a release for the first of them in 2013.

Other than that things seem to be quiet on the Thom Barry front.  If you have any news on Thom’s future plans please contact us.

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