Let me get this straight:
- Detective Nick (Danny) has a bit of a temper. We saw him getting a little “hands-on” with a suspect within hours of joining the squad.
- One of Nick’s partners is a blonde female detective.
- The Captain is quite old and balding.
- There’s an attractive red-headed A.D.A.
Anyone else have a sense of déjà vu?
I won’t be doing every episode but I’ve created two more sets of Danny screencaps from recent episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
You can find screencaps from episode 2, Danny’s debut, in a previous post.
Next Monday (31st October) there will be a special posting of reader submitted, Halloween themed Fan Art.
If you would like to contribute any works of art you have created then please contact me.
You can do anything you like: avatars, banners, drawings, wallpapers or you could even have the first exhibit in the yet-to-be-opened video wing of the Fan Art Gallery. The only other criteria is that Kathryn is involved in some way but you are free to include other Cold Case cast members. How about adding a bit of Naughty Nick, Skeletal Scotty, Black Kat, Witchy Will or Jack-o’-lantern John?
A quick fan art update for October.
Lolly & IcyWinter kindly donated a small collection of Avatars, Banners, and Wallpapers for the KM UK Fan Art Gallery. Many thanks to them.
If you have made some Kathryn-related Fan Art and would be willing to let it be shown here on KM UK please contact me.
Where are you Kathryn? We miss you.
On Saturday (15th October 2011) there was the 21st running of the Environment Media Association Awards. After appearing at the event three times in the past four years it seemed like a good bet that Kathryn would attend again. Sadly, as far as we can tell, that was not the case
In lieu of new photographs we’ll revisit last year’s EMA Awards.
For the 2010 event about environmental issues like climate change, Kathryn raised a more than temperatures and awareness in her “LBD” (in this case “little blue dress”) and glowing tan 😮 Eyebrows! I meant she raised eyebrows 😉
We have 12 new or updated photos from the Arrivals of the 20th Annual Environment Media Association Awards in the Gallery. 5 of the first 6 images are now much increased in size. There are also 3 new large and 4 new small ones, expanding the total to 77.
A request has flooded in for some screencaps of Danny Pino in his new role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. How could I possibly refuse?
Danny made his début as Nick Riviera (oops, that’s the dodgy Doctor in The Simpsons ) Detective Nick Amaro in the 2nd episode of season 13 of SVU a couple of weeks ago. He started off rather hirsute but soon lost the beard, and then it was into familiar procedural territory.
These screencaps are from that episode. They fall outside the scope of the KM UK Gallery so I’ve made the set of 188 HD 720p (1280×720) screencaps available in a 20MB zip file via MediaFire.
Hopefully the images are good enough, the change of focus may have effected the usual errrr… attention to errrr… detail 😉
I won’t be doing this for every episode but I could be persuaded to do a few more during the season if there is demand. Let me know.
Welcome Welcome to Kathryn Morris UK, a website dedicated to the actress Kathryn Morris. Here you will find news, images, videos and information presented from the perspective of an English fan. This site has become the chief source of information for Kathryn's fans and fansites alike around the world.
If you have anything Kathryn-related that you would like to share please use the Contact Form to let us know.
Shout Outs To… Those suffering in war-torn areas
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